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The electron-phonon (e-ph) interaction remains of great interest in condensed matter physics and plays a vital role in realizing superconductors, charge-density-waves (CDW), and polarons. We study the two-dimensional Holstein model for e-ph coupling using determinant quantum Monte Carlo across a wide range of its phase diagram as a function of temperature, electron density, dimensionless e-ph coupling strength, and the adiabatic ratio of the phonon frequency to the Fermi energy. We describe the behavior of the CDW correlations, the competition between superconducting and CDW orders and polaron formation, the optimal conditions for superconductivity, and the transition from the weak-coupling regime to the strong-coupling regime. Superconductivity is optimized at intermediate e-ph coupling strength and intermediate electron density, and the superconducting correlations increase monotonically with phonon frequency. The global maximum for superconductivity in the Holstein model occurs at large phonon frequency, the limit where an attractive Hubbard model effectively describes the physics.
By using variational wave functions and quantum Monte Carlo techniques, we investigate the interplay between electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in the two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model. Here, the ground-state phase diagram is triggered by several energy scales, i.e., the electron hopping $t$, the on-site electron-electron interaction $U$, the phonon energy $omega_0$, and the electron-phonon coupling $g$. At half filling, the ground state is an antiferromagnetic insulator for $U gtrsim 2g^2/omega_0$, while it is a charge-density-wave (or bi-polaronic) insulator for $U lesssim 2g^2/omega_0$. In addition to these phases, we find a superconducting phase that intrudes between them. For $omega_0/t=1$, superconductivity emerges when both $U/t$ and $2g^2/tomega_0$ are small; then, by increasing the value of the phonon energy $omega_0$, it extends along the transition line between antiferromagnetic and charge-density-wave insulators. Away from half filling, phase separation occurs when doping the charge-density-wave insulator, while a uniform (superconducting) ground state is found when doping the superconducting phase. In the analysis of finite-size effects, it is extremely important to average over twisted boundary conditions, especially in the weak-coupling limit and in the doped case.
The interplay between electron-electron correlations and disorder has been a central theme of condensed matter physics over the last several decades, with particular interest in the possibility that interactions might cause delocalization of an Anderson insulator into a metallic state, and the disrupting effects of randomness on magnetic order and the Mott phase. Here we extend this physics to explore electron-phonon interactions and show, via exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations, that the suppression of the charge density wave correlations in the half-filled Holstein model by disorder can stabilize a superconducting phase. Our simulations thus capture qualitatively the suppression of charge ordered phases and emergent superconductivity recently seen experimentally.
The Holstein Hamiltonian describes fermions hopping on a lattice and interacting locally with dispersionless phonon degrees of freedom. In the low density limit, dressed quasiparticles, polarons and bipolarons, propagate with an effective mass. At higher densities, pairs can condense into a low temperature superconducting phase and, at or near commensurate filling on a bipartite lattice, to charge density wave (CDW) order. CDW formation breaks a discrete symmetry and hence occurs via a second order (Ising) transition, and therefore at a finite $T_{rm cdw}$ in two dimensions. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations have determined $T_{rm cdw}$ for a variety of geometries, including square, honeycomb, and Lieb lattices. The superconducting transition, on the other hand, in $d=2$ is in the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) universality class, and is much less well characterized. In this paper we determine $T_{rm sc}$ for the square lattice, for several values of the density $rho$ and phonon frequency $omega_0$. We find that quasi-long range order sets in at $T_{rm sc} lesssim t/20$, where $t$ is the near neighbor hopping amplitude, consistent with previous rough estimates from simulations which only extrapolated to the temperatures we reach from considerably higher $T$. We also show evidence for a discontinuous evolution of the density as the CDW transition is approached at half-filling.
We use an unbiased, continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method to address the possibility of a zero-temperature phase without charge-density-wave (CDW) order in the Holstein and, by extension, the Holstein-Hubbard model on the half-filled square lattice. In particular, we present results spanning the whole range of phonon frequencies, allowing us to use the well understood adiabatic and antiadiabatic limits as reference points. For all parameters considered, our data suggest that CDW correlations are stronger than pairing correlations even at very low temperatures. These findings are compatible with a CDW ground state that is also suggested by theoretical arguments.
Employing the recently developed self-consistent variational basis generation scheme, we have investigated the bipolaron-bipolaron interaction within the purview of Holstein-Hubbard and the extended-Holstein-Hubbard (F2H) model on a discrete one-dimensional lattice. The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method has also been used for the Holstein-Hubbard model. We have shown that there exists no bipolaron-bipolaron attraction in the Holstein-Hubbard model. In contrast, we have obtained clear-cut bipolaron-bipolaron attraction in the F2H model. Composite bipolarons are formed above a critical electron-phonon coupling strength, which can survive the finite Hubbard $U$ effect. We have constructed the phase diagram of F2H polarons and bipolarons, and discussed the phase separation in terms of the formation of composite bipolarons.