General Relativity from Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

Abstract in English

In this work we show that Einstein gravity in four dimensions can be consistently obtained from the compactification of a generic higher curvature Lovelock theory in dimension $D=4+p$, being $pgeq1$. The compactification is performed on a direct product space $mathcal{M}_D=mathcal{M}_4timesmathcal{K}^p$, where $mathcal{K}^p$ is a Euclidean internal manifold of constant curvature. The process is carried out in such a way that no fine tuning between the coupling constants is needed. The compactification requires to dress the internal manifold with the flux of suitable $p$-forms whose field strengths are proportional to the volume form of the internal space. We explicitly compactify Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory from dimension six to Einstein theory in dimension four and sketch out a similar procedure for this compactification to take place starting from dimension five. Several black string/p-branes solutions are constructed, among which, a five dimensional asymptotically flat black string composed of a Schwarzschild black hole on the brane is particularly interesting. Finally, the thermodynamic of the solutions is described and we find that the consistent compactification modifies the entropy by including a constant term, which may induce a departure from the usual behavior of the Hawking-Page phase transition. New scenarios are possible in which large black holes dominate the canonical ensamble for all temperatures above the minimal value.
