Normalized ground states for Kirchhoff equations in ${mathbb{R}}^{3}$ with a critical nonlinearity

Abstract in English

This paper is concerned with the existence of ground states for a class of Kirchhoff type equation with combined power nonlinearities begin{equation*} -left(a+bint_{mathbb{R}^{3}}| abla u(x)|^{2}right) Delta u =lambda u+|u|^{p-2}u+u^{5}quad text{for some} lambdainmathbb{R},quad xinmathbb{R}^{3}, end{equation*} with prescribed $L^{2}$-norm mass begin{equation*} int_{mathbb{R}^{3}}u^{2}=c^{2} end{equation*} in Sobolev critical case and proves that the equation has a couple of solutions $(u_{c},lambda_{c})in S(c)times mathbb{R}$ for any $c>0$, $a,b >0$ and $frac{14}{3}leq p< 6,$ where $S(c)={uin H^{1}(mathbb{R}^{3}):int_{mathbb{R}^{3}}u^{2}=c^{2}}.$ textbf{Keywords:} Kirchhoff type equation; Critical nonlinearity; Normalized ground states oindent{AMS Subject Classification:, 37L05; 35B40; 35B41.}
