Tully-Fisher Distances and Dynamical Mass Constraints for 24 Host Galaxies of Reverberation-Mapped AGN

Abstract in English

We present Tully-Fisher distances for 24 AGN host galaxies with black hole mass ($M_textrm{{BH}}$) measurements from reverberation mapping, as well as the first calibration of the $V-$band Tully-Fisher relation. Combining our measurements of HI 21cm emission with $HST$ and ground-based optical and near-infrared images allows multiple distance measurements for 19 galaxies and single measurements for the remaining 5. Separation of the nucleus from its host galaxy via surface brightness decomposition yields galaxy-only luminosities, thus allowing measurements of the distance moduli free of contamination from the AGN. For 14 AGN hosts, these are the first reported distances independent of redshift, and hence independent of peculiar velocities. For the remaining galaxies, we show good agreement between our distances and those previously reported from surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) and Cepheids. We also determine the total galaxy mass enclosed within the estimated HI radius, which when compared to the baryonic content allows for constraints on the dark matter masses. We find a typical mass fraction of $M_{textrm{DM}}$/$M_{textrm{DYN}}$ = 62%, and find significant correlations between $M_{textrm{BH}}$ $-$ $M_{textrm{DYN}}$ and $M_{textrm{BH}}$ $-$ $M_{textrm{DM}}$. Finally, we scale our galaxy radii based on estimated relationships between visible and halo radii and assume a flat rotation curve out to the halo radius to approximate $M_{textrm{HALO}}$. Over the range of $M_{textrm{BH}}$ and $M_{textrm{HALO}}$ in this sample, we find good agreement with observationally-constrained relationships between $M_{textrm{BH}}$ and $M_{textrm{HALO}}$ and with hydrodynamical simulations.
