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Differential Subordination implications for Certain Carath{e}odory functions

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 Added by Naveen Jain
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In this article, we wish to establish some first order differential subordination relations for certain Carath{e}odory functions with nice geometrical properties. Moreover, several implications are determined so that the normalized analytic function belongs to various subclasses of starlike functions.

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The first part of the paper is devoted to studying the continuous dependence of the solutions of Caratheodory constant delay differential equations where the vector fields satisfy classical cooperative conditions. As a consequence, when the set of considered vector fields is invariant with respect to the time-translation map, the continuity of the respective induced skew-product semiflows is obtained. These results are important for the study of the long-term behavior of the trajectories. In particular, the construction of semicontinuous semiequilibria and equilibria is extended to the context of ordinary and delay Caratheodory differential equations. Under appropriate assumptions of sublinearity, the existence of a unique continuous equilibrium, whose graph coincides with the pullback attractor for the evolution processes, is shown. The conditions under which such a solution is the forward attractor of the considered problem are outlined. Two examples of application of the developed tools are also provided.
We introduce new weak topologies and spaces of Caratheodory functions where the solutions of the ordinary differential equations depend continuously on the initial data and vector fields. The induced local skew-product flow is proved to be continuous, and a notion of linearized skew-product flow is provided. Two applications are shown. First, the propagation of the exponential dichotomy over the trajectories of the linearized skew-product flow and the structure of the dichotomy or Sacker-Sell spectrum. Second, how particular bounded absorbing sets for the process defined by a Caratheodory vector field $f$ provide bounded pullback attractors for the processes with vector fields in the alpha-limit set, the omega-limit set or the whole hull of $f$. Conditions for the existence of a pullback or a global attractor for the skew-product semiflow, as well as application examples are also given.
In this article, by making use of the linear operator introduced and studied by Srivastava and Attiya cite{srivastava1}, suitable classes of admissible functions are investigated and the dual properties of the third-order differential subordinations are presented. As a consequence, various sandwich-type theorems are established for a class of univalent analytic functions involving the celebrated Srivastava-Attiya transform. Relevant connections of the new results are pointed out.
In this paper we determine the region of variability for certain subclasses of univalent functions satisfying differential inequalities. In the final section we graphically illustrate the region of variability for several sets of parameters.
For $frac12<p<infty$, $0<q<infty$ and a certain two-sided doubling weight $omega$, we characterize those inner functions $Theta$ for which $$|Theta|_{A^{p,q}_omega}^q=int_0^1 left(int_0^{2pi} |Theta(re^{itheta})|^p dthetaright)^{q/p} omega(r),dr<infty.$$ Then we show a modified version of this result for $pge q$. Moreover, two additional characterizations for inner functions whose derivative belongs to the Bergman space $A_omega^{p,p}$ are given.
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