Building Blocks of Sharding Blockchain Systems: Concepts, Approaches, and Open Problems

Abstract in English

Sharding is the prevalent approach to breaking the trilemma of simultaneously achieving decentralization, security, and scalability in traditional blockchain systems, which are implemented as replicated state machines relying on atomic broadcast for consensus on an immutable chain of valid transactions. Sharding is to be understood broadly as techniques for dynamically partitioning nodes in a blockchain system into subsets (shards) that perform storage, communication, and computation tasks without fine-grained synchronization with each other. Despite much recent research on sharding blockchains, much remains to be explored in the design space of these systems. Towards that aim, we conduct a systematic analysis of existing sharding blockchain systems and derive a conceptual decomposition of their architecture into functional components and the underlying assumptions about system models and attackers they are built on. The functional components identified are node selection, epoch randomness, node assignment, intra-shard consensus, cross-shard transaction processing, shard reconfiguration, and motivation mechanism. We describe interfaces, functionality, and properties of each component and show how they compose into a sharding blockchain system. For each component, we systematically review existing approaches, identify potential and open problems, and propose future research directions. We focus on potential security attacks and performance problems, including system throughput and latency concerns such as confirmation delays. We believe our modular architectural decomposition and in-depth analysis of each component, based on a comprehensive literature study, provides a systematic basis for conceptualizing state-of-the-art sharding blockchain systems, proving or improving security and performance properties of components, and developing new sharding blockchain system designs.
