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Constructive basic theory of central simple algebras

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 Added by Thierry Coquand
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We provide a constructive treatment of basic results in the theory of central simple algebras. One main issue is the fact that one starting result, Wedderburns Theorem stating that a simple algebra is a matrix algebra over a skew field, is not constructively valid. We solve this problem by proving instead a dynamical version of this theorem. One can use this to give constructive proofs of basic results of the theory of central simple algebras, such as Skolem-Noether Theorem. We illustrate this development by giving an elementary constructive proof of a theorem of Becher (which is itself a consequence of a celebrated theorem of Merkurjev).

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305 - Pavel Etingof , Cris Negron 2019
We examine actions of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras on central simple division algebras in characteristic 0. (By a Hopf action we mean a Hopf module algebra structure.) In all examples considered, we show that the given Hopf algebra does admit a faithful action on a central simple division algebra, and we construct such a division algebra. This is in contrast to earlier work of Etingof and Walton, in which it was shown that most pointed Hopf algebras do not admit faithful actions on fields. We consider all bosonizations of Nichols algebras of finite Cartan type, small quantum groups, generalized Taft algebras with non-nilpotent skew primitive generators, and an example of non-Cartan type.
For any abelian group $G$, we classify up to isomorphism all $G$-gradings on the classical central simple Lie algebras, except those of type $D_4$, over the field of real numbers (or any real closed field).
The relationship between Heyting algebras (HA) and semirings is explored. A new class of HAs called Symmetric Heyting algebras (SHAs) is proposed, and a necessary condition on SHAs to be consider semirings is given. We define a new mathematical family called Heyting structures, which are similar to semirings, but with Heyting-algebra operators in place of the usual arithmetic operators usually seen in semirings. The impact of the zero-sum free property of semirings on Heyting structures is shown as also the condition under which it is possible to extend one Heyting structure to another. It is also shown that the union of two or more sets forming Heyting structures is again a Heyting structure, if the operators on the new structure are suitably derived from those of the component structures. The analysis also provides a sufficient condition such that the larger Heyting structure satisfying a monotony law implies that the ones forming the union do so as well.
287 - Bas Spitters 2008
In Riesz space theory it is good practice to avoid representation theorems which depend on the axiom of choice. Here we present a general methodology to do this using pointfree topology. To illustrate the technique we show that almost f-algebras are commutative. The proof is obtained relatively straightforward from the proof by Buskes and van Rooij by using the pointfree Stone-Yosida representation theorem by Coquand and Spitters.
This paper illustrates the relationship between boolean propositional algebra and semirings, presenting some results of partial ordering on boolean propositional algebras, and the necessary conditions to represent a boolean propositional subalgebra as equivalent to a corresponding boolean propositional algebra. It is also shown that the images of a homomorphic function on a boolean propositional algebra have the relationship of boolean propositional algebra and its subalgebra. The necessary and sufficient conditions for that homomorphic function to be onto-order preserving, and also an extension of boolean propositional algebra, are explored.
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