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Structural, magnetic, and magnetocaloric properties of Fe2CoAl Heusler nanoalloy

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 Added by Aquil Ahmad
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Spherical nanoparticles (NPs) of size 14 nm, made of intermetallic Fe2CoAl (FCA) Heusler alloy, are synthesized via the co-precipitation and thermal deoxidization method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns confirm that the present nanoalloy is crystallized in A2-disordered cubic Heusler structure. Magnetic field (H) and temperature (T) dependent magnetization (M) results reveal that the NPs are soft ferromagnetic (FM) with high saturation magnetization (Ms) and Curie temperature (Tc). Fe2CoAl nanoalloy does not follow the Slater Pauling (SP) rule, possibly because of the disorder present in the system. We also investigate its magnetic phase transition (MPT) and magnetocaloric (MC) properties. The peak value of the magnetic entropy change vs T curve at a magnetic field change of 20 kOe corresponds to about 2.65 J/kg-K, and the observed value of refrigeration capacity (RCP) is as large as 44 J/kg, suggesting a large heat conversion in magnetic refrigeration cycle. The Arrott plot and the nature of the universal curve accomplish that the FM to paramagnetic (PM) phase transition in Fe2CoAl nanoalloy is of second-order. The present study suggests that the Fe2CoAl nanoscale system is proficient, useful and a good candidate for the spintronics application and opens up a window for further research on full-Heusler based magnetic refrigerants.

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Co2FeAl (CFA) nanoparticles (NPs) of different sizes were synthesized by chemical route. The effect of the size of NPs upon the structure and magnetization compared to its bulk counterpart was investigated. The structure and composition were determined from X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron microscopy. XRD analysis shows that the samples are having single (A2-type) disordered phase. Magnetization measurements suggest that the samples are soft ferromagnetic in nature with very low coercivity. Enhanced magnetic properties like saturation magnetization, coercive force, retentivity, and Curie-temperature are observed with a decrease in particle size. The effect of particle size on hysteresis losses is also discussed. The smallest particles of size 16 nm exhibited the highest saturation magnetization and transition temperature of 180.73 emu/g and 1261 K, respectively. The origin of enhancement in the magnetization of Co2FeAl nano-alloy is attributed to the strong Co-Co exchange interaction due to disorder present in the systems.
Ni$_{50}$Mn$_{34}$In$_{16}$ undergoes a martensitic transformation around 250 K and exhibits a field induced reverse martensitic transformation and substantial magnetocaloric effects. We substitute small amounts Ga for In, which are isoelectronic, to carry these technically important properties to close to room temperature by shifting the martensitic transformation temperature.
Single crystal of PrSi was grown by Czochralski method in a tetra-arc furnace. Powder x-ray diffraction of the as grown crystal revealed that PrSi crystallizes in FeB$-$type structure with space group $Pnma$ (no. 62). PrSi undergoes a ferromagnetic transition at 52 K with [010] direction as the easy axis of magnetization. Heat capacity data confirm the bulk nature of the transition at 52 K and exhibit a huge anomaly at the transition. A sharp rise in the low temperature heat capacity has been observed (below 5 K) which is attributed to the $^{141}$Pr nuclear Schottky heat capacity arising from the hyperfine field of the Pr moment. The estimated Pr magnetic moment 2.88 $mu_{rm B}$/Pr from the hyperfine splitting is in agreement with the saturation magnetization value obtained from the magnetization data measured at 2 K. From the crystal electric field (CEF) analysis of the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and the heat capacity data it is found that the degenerate $J = 4$ Hunds rule derived state of Pr$^{3+}$-ion splits into nine singlets with an overall splitting of 284 K, the first excited singlet state separated by just 9 K from the ground state. The magnetic ordering in PrGe appears to be due to the exchange generated admixture of low lying crystal field levels. Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) has been investigated from magnetization data along all the three principal crystallographic directions. Large magnetic entropy change, $-Delta S_M = $22.2 J/kg K, and the relative cooling power, RCP = $460$ J/kg, characteristic of giant magneto caloric effect are achieved near the transition temperature ($T_{rm C}$ = 52 K) for $H =$~70 kOe along $[010]$. Furthermore, the PrSi single crystal exhibits a giant MCE anisotropy.
A giant magnetocaloric effect across the ferromagnetic (FM) to paramagnetic (PM) phase transition was observed in chemically synthesized Co2FeAl Heusler alloy nanoparticles with a mean diameter of 16 nm. In our previous report, we have observed a significant enhancement in its saturation magnetization (Ms) and Curie temperature (Tc) as compared with the bulk counterpart. Motivated from those results, here, we aim to explore its magnetocaloric properties near the Tc. The magnetic entropy change shows a positive anomaly at 1252 K. Magnetic entropy change increases linearly with the magnetic field, and a large value of ~15 J/Kg-K is detected under a moderate field of 14 kOe. It leads to a net relative cooling power of 89 J/Kg for the magnetic field change of 14 kOe. To confirm the nature of magnetic phase transition, a detailed study of its magnetization is performed. The Arrott plot and nature of the universal curve conclude that FM to PM phase transition in the present system is of second-order.
We report the deposition of thin Co$_2$FeSi films by RF magnetron sputtering. Epitaxial (100)-oriented and L2$_1$ ordered growth is observed for films grown on MgO(100) substrates. (110)-oriented films on Al$_2$O$_3$(110) show several epitaxial domains in the film plane. Investigation of the magnetic properties reveals a saturation magnetization of 5.0 $mu_B/f.u.$ at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the resistivity $rho_{xx}(T)$ exhibits a crossover from a T^3.5 law at T<50K to a T^1.65 behaviour at elevated temperatures. $rho_{xx}(H)$ shows a small anisotropic magnetoresistive effect. A weak dependence of the normal Hall effect on the external magnetic field indicates the compensation of electron and hole like contributions at the Fermi surface.
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