A positivity-preserving and convergent numerical scheme for the binary fluid-surfactant system

Abstract in English

In this paper, we develop a first order (in time) numerical scheme for the binary fluid surfactant phase field model. The free energy contains a double-well potential, a nonlinear coupling entropy and a Flory-Huggins potential. The resulting coupled system consists of two Cahn-Hilliard type equations. This system is solved numerically by finite difference spatial approximation, in combination with convex splitting temporal discretization. We prove the proposed scheme is unique solvable, positivity-preserving and unconditionally energy stable. In addition, an optimal rate convergence analysis is provided for the proposed numerical scheme, which will be the first such result for the binary fluid-surfactant system. Newton iteration is used to solve the discrete system. Some numerical experiments are performed to validate the accuracy and energy stability of the proposed scheme.
