The Non-Existence of Block-Transitive Subspace Designs

Abstract in English

Let $q$ be a prime power and $Vcong{mathbb F}_q^n$. A $t$-$(n,k,lambda)_q$ design, or simply a subspace design, is a pair ${mathcal D}=(V,{mathcal B})$, where ${mathcal B}$ is a subset of the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$, with the property that each $t$-dimensional subspace of $V$ is contained in precisely $lambda$ elements of ${mathcal B}$. Subspace designs are the $q$-analogues of balanced incomplete block designs. Such a design is called block-transitive if its automorphism group ${rm Aut}({mathcal D})$ acts transitively on ${mathcal B}$. It is shown here that if $tgeq 2$ and ${mathcal D}=(V,{mathcal B})$ is a block-transitive $t$-$(n,k,lambda)_q$ design then ${mathcal D}$ is trivial, that is, ${mathcal B}$ is the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$.
