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In this work we present a novel, robust transition generation technique that can serve as a new tool for 3D animators, based on adversarial recurrent neural networks. The system synthesizes high-quality motions that use temporally-sparse keyframes as animation constraints. This is reminiscent of the job of in-betweening in traditional animation pipelines, in which an animator draws motion frames between provided keyframes. We first show that a state-of-the-art motion prediction model cannot be easily converted into a robust transition generator when only adding conditioning information about future keyframes. To solve this problem, we then propose two novel additive embedding modifiers that are applied at each timestep to latent representations encoded inside the networks architecture. One modifier is a time-to-arrival embedding that allows variations of the transition length with a single model. The other is a scheduled target noise vector that allows the system to be robust to target distortions and to sample different transitions given fixed keyframes. To qualitatively evaluate our method, we present a custom MotionBuilder plugin that uses our trained model to perform in-betweening in production scenarios. To quantitatively evaluate performance on transitions and generalizations to longer time horizons, we present well-defined in-betweening benchmarks on a subset of the widely used Human3.6M dataset and on LaFAN1, a novel high quality motion capture dataset that is more appropriate for transition generation. We are releasing this new dataset along with this work, with accompanying code for reproducing our baseline results.
Visual perception entails solving a wide set of tasks, e.g., object detection, depth estimation, etc. The predictions made for multiple tasks from the same image are not independent, and therefore, are expected to be consistent. We propose a broadly applicable and fully computational method for augmenting learning with Cross-Task Consistency. The proposed formulation is based on inference-path invariance over a graph of arbitrary tasks. We observe that learning with cross-task consistency leads to more accurate predictions and better generalization to out-of-distribution inputs. This framework also leads to an informative unsupervised quantity, called Consistency Energy, based on measuring the intrinsic consistency of the system. Consistency Energy correlates well with the supervised error (r=0.67), thus it can be employed as an unsupervised confidence metric as well as for detection of out-of-distribution inputs (ROC-AUC=0.95). The evaluations are performed on multiple datasets, including Taskonomy, Replica, CocoDoom, and ApolloScape, and they benchmark cross-task consistency versus various baselines including conventional multi-task learning, cycle consistency, and analytical consistency.
Video-based human motion transfer creates video animations of humans following a source motion. Current methods show remarkable results for tightly-clad subjects. However, the lack of temporally consistent handling of plausible clothing dynamics, including fine and high-frequency details, significantly limits the attainable visual quality. We address these limitations for the first time in the literature and present a new framework which performs high-fidelity and temporally-consistent human motion transfer with natural pose-dependent non-rigid deformations, for several types of loose garments. In contrast to the previous techniques, we perform image generation in three subsequent stages, synthesizing human shape, structure, and appearance. Given a monocular RGB video of an actor, we train a stack of recurrent deep neural networks that generate these intermediate representations from 2D poses and their temporal derivatives. Splitting the difficult motion transfer problem into subtasks that are aware of the temporal motion context helps us to synthesize results with plausible dynamics and pose-dependent detail. It also allows artistic control of results by manipulation of individual framework stages. In the experimental results, we significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in terms of video realism. Our code and data will be made publicly available.
The increasing availability of video recordings made by multiple cameras has offered new means for mitigating occlusion and depth ambiguities in pose and motion reconstruction methods. Yet, multi-view algorithms strongly depend on camera parameters, in particular, the relative positions among the cameras. Such dependency becomes a hurdle once shifting to dynamic capture in uncontrolled settings. We introduce FLEX (Free muLti-view rEconstruXion), an end-to-end parameter-free multi-view model. FLEX is parameter-free in the sense that it does not require any camera parameters, neither intrinsic nor extrinsic. Our key idea is that the 3D angles between skeletal parts, as well as bone lengths, are invariant to the camera position. Hence, learning 3D rotations and bone lengths rather than locations allows predicting common values for all camera views. Our network takes multiple video streams, learns fused deep features through a novel multi-view fusion layer, and reconstructs a single consistent skeleton with temporally coherent joint rotations. We demonstrate quantitative and qualitative results on the Human3.6M and KTH Multi-view Football II datasets. We compare our model to state-of-the-art methods that are not parameter-free and show that in the absence of camera parameters, we outperform them by a large margin while obtaining comparable results when camera parameters are available. Code, trained models, video demonstration, and additional materials will be available on our project page.
Monocular 3D reconstruction of articulated object categories is challenging due to the lack of training data and the inherent ill-posedness of the problem. In this work we use video self-supervision, forcing the consistency of consecutive 3D reconstructions by a motion-based cycle loss. This largely improves both optimization-based and learning-based 3D mesh reconstruction. We further introduce an interpretable model of 3D template deformations that controls a 3D surface through the displacement of a small number of local, learnable handles. We formulate this operation as a structured layer relying on mesh-laplacian regularization and show that it can be trained in an end-to-end manner. We finally introduce a per-sample numerical optimisation approach that jointly optimises over mesh displacements and cameras within a video, boosting accuracy both for training and also as test time post-processing. While relying exclusively on a small set of videos collected per category for supervision, we obtain state-of-the-art reconstructions with diverse shapes, viewpoints and textures for multiple articulated object categories.
We introduce MotioNet, a deep neural network that directly reconstructs the motion of a 3D human skeleton from monocular video.While previous methods rely on either rigging or inverse kinematics (IK) to associate a consistent skeleton with temporally coherent joint rotations, our method is the first data-driven approach that directly outputs a kinematic skeleton, which is a complete, commonly used, motion representation. At the crux of our approach lies a deep neural network with embedded kinematic priors, which decomposes sequences of 2D joint positions into two separate attributes: a single, symmetric, skeleton, encoded by bone lengths, and a sequence of 3D joint rotations associated with global root positions and foot contact labels. These attributes are fed into an integrated forward kinematics (FK) layer that outputs 3D positions, which are compared to a ground truth. In addition, an adversarial loss is applied to the velocities of the recovered rotations, to ensure that they lie on the manifold of natural joint rotations. The key advantage of our approach is that it learns to infer natural joint rotations directly from the training data, rather than assuming an underlying model, or inferring them from joint positions using a data-agnostic IK solver. We show that enforcing a single consistent skeleton along with temporally coherent joint rotations constrains the solution space, leading to a more robust handling of self-occlusions and depth ambiguities.