Investigation and Mitigation of Crosstalk in the Prototype ME0 GEM Detector for the Phase-2 Muon System Upgrade of the CMS Experiment

Abstract in English

The LHC is undergoing a high luminosity upgrade, which is set to increase the instantaneous luminosity by at least a factor of five, resulting in a higher muon flux rate in the forward region, which will overwhelm the current trigger system of the CMS experiment. The ME0, a gas electron multiplier detector, is proposed for the Phase-2 Muon System Upgrade to help increase the muon acceptance and to control the Level 1 muon trigger rate. To lower the probability of HV discharges, the ME0 was designed with GEM foils that are segmented on both sides. Initial testing of the ME0 showed substantial crosstalk between readout sectors. Here, we investigate, characterize, and quantify the crosstalk in the detector, and estimate the performance of the chamber as a result of this crosstalk via simulation of the detector dead time, efficiency loss, and frontend electronics response. The results of crosstalk via signals produced by applying a square voltage pulse directly on the readout strips of the detector with a pulser are summarized, and the efficacy of various mitigation strategies are presented. The crosstalk is a result of capacitive coupling between the readout strips on the readout board and between the readout strips and the bottom of GEM3. The crosstalk also generally follows a pattern where the largest magnitude of crosstalk is within the same azimuthal readout segment in the detector and in the nearest horizontal segments. The use of bypass capacitors and larger HV segments successfully reduce the crosstalk: we observe a maximum decrease of crosstalk in sectors previously experiencing crosstalk from $(1.66pm0.03)%$ to $(1.11pm0.02)%$ with all HV segments connected in parallel on the bottom of GEM3, with an HV low-pass filter, and an HV divider. These mitigation strategies slightly increase crosstalk $big(hspace{-0.1cm}lessapprox 0.4%big)$ in readout sectors farther away.
