Optical funnel to guide and focus virus particles for X-ray laser imaging

Abstract in English

The need for precise manipulation of nanoparticles in gaseous or near-vacuum environments is encountered in many studies that include aerosol morphology, nanodroplet physics, nanoscale optomechanics, and biomolecular physics. Photophoretic forces, whereby momentum exchange between a particle and surrounding gas is induced with optical light, were recently shown to be a robust means of trapping and manipulating nanoparticles in air. We previously proposed a photophoretic optical funnel concept for the delivery of bioparticles to the focus of an x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) beam for femtosecond x-ray diffractive imaging. Here, we describe the formation of a high-aspect-ratio optical funnel and provide a first experimental demonstration of this concept by transversely compressing and concentrating a high-speed beam of aerosolized viruses by a factor of three in a low-pressure environment. These results pave the way toward improved sample delivery efficiency for XFEL imaging experiments as well as other forms of imaging and spectroscopy.
