We briefly report the modern status of heavy quark sum rules (HQSR) based on stability criteria by emphasizing the recent progresses for determining the QCD parameters (alpha_s, m_{c,b} and gluon condensates)where their correlations have been taken into account. The results: alpha_s(M_Z)=0.1181(16)(3), m_c(m_c)=1286(16) MeV, m_b(m_b)=4202(7) MeV,<alpha_s G^2> = (6.49+-0.35)10^-2 GeV^4, < g^3 G^3 >= (8.2+-1.0) GeV^2 <alpha_s G^2> and the ones from recent light quark sum rules are summarized in Table 2. One can notice that the SVZ value of <alpha_s G^2> has been underestimated by a factor 1.6, <g^3 G^3> is much bigger than the instanton model estimate, while the four-quark condensate which mixes under renormalization is incompatible with the vacuum saturation which is phenomenologically violated by a factor (2~4). The uses of HQSR for molecules and tetraquarks states are commented.