Size and shape fluctuations of ultrasoft colloids

Abstract in English

Ultrasoft colloidal particle fluctuates due to its flexibility. Such fluctuation is essential for colloidal structure and dynamics, but is challenging to quantify experimentally. We use dendrimers as a model system to study the fluctuation of ultrasoft colloids. By considering the dynamic polydispersity in the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) model, and introducing the fluctuation of invasive water into the contrast in SANS, we reveal the fluctuating amplitudes of the size and shape of the dendrimer of generation 6 at finite concentrations. The size fluctuation is suppressed while the shape fluctuation increases as the weight fraction of dendrimers passes 11%. With neutron spin echo data, we suggest that such crossover originates from the competition between the inter- and intra-particle dynamics. Further investigation on lower-generation samples shows a contrary result, which suggests a structural basis for these dynamic phenomena.
