The Peculiar Transient AT2018cow: A Possible Origin of A Type Ibn/IIn Supernova

Abstract in English

We present our photometric and spectroscopic observations on the peculiar transient AT2018cow. The multi-band photometry covers from peak to $sim$70 days and the spectroscopy ranges from 5 to $sim$50 days. The rapid rise ($t_{mathrm{r}}$$lesssim$2.9 days), high luminosity ($M_{V,mathrm{peak}}sim-$20.8 mag) and fast decline after peak make AT2018cow stand out of any other optical transients. While we find that its light curves show high resemblance to those of type Ibn supernovae. Moreover, the spectral energy distribution remains high temperature of $sim$14,000 K after $sim$15 days since discovery. The spectra are featureless in the first 10 days, while some broad emission lines due to H, He, C and O emerge later, with velocity declining from $sim$14,000 km s$^{-1}$ to $sim$3000 km s$^{-1}$ at the end of our observations. Narrow and weak He I emission lines emerge in the spectra at $t>$20 days since discovery. These emission lines are reminiscent of the features seen in interacting supernovae like type Ibn and IIn subclasses. We fit the bolometric light curves with a model of circumstellar interaction (CSI) and radioactive decay (RD) of Ni and find a good fit with ejecta mass $M_{mathrm{ej}}sim$3.16 M$_{odot}$, circumstellar material mass $M_{mathrm{CSM}}sim$0.04 M$_{odot}$, and ejected Ni mass $M_{^{56}mathrm{Ni}}sim$0.23 M$_{odot}$. The CSM shell might be formed in an eruptive mass ejection of the progenitor star. Furthermore, host environment of AT2018cow implies connection of AT2018cow with massive stars. Combining observational properties and the light curve fitting results, we conclude that AT2018cow might be a peculiar interacting supernova originated from a massive star.
