A Feasibility Study on Deep Learning Based Individualized 3D Dose Distribution Prediction

Abstract in English

Purpose: Radiation therapy treatment planning is a trial-and-error, often time-consuming process. An optimal dose distribution based on a specific anatomy can be predicted by pre-trained deep learning (DL) models. However, dose distributions are often optimized based on not only patient-specific anatomy but also physician preferred trade-offs between planning target volume (PTV) coverage and organ at risk (OAR) sparing. Therefore, it is desirable to allow physicians to fine-tune the dose distribution predicted based on patient anatomy. In this work, we developed a DL model to predict the individualized 3D dose distributions by using not only the anatomy but also the desired PTV/OAR trade-offs, as represented by a dose volume histogram (DVH), as inputs. Methods: The desired DVH, fine-tuned by physicians from the initially predicted DVH, is first projected onto the Pareto surface, then converted into a vector, and then concatenated with mask feature maps. The network output for training is the dose distribution corresponding to the Pareto optimal DVH. The training/validation datasets contain 77 prostate cancer patients, and the testing dataset has 20 patients. Results: The trained model can predict a 3D dose distribution that is approximately Pareto optimal. We calculated the difference between the predicted and the optimized dose distribution for the PTV and all OARs as a quantitative evaluation. The largest average error in mean dose was about 1.6% of the prescription dose, and the largest average error in the maximum dose was about 1.8%. Conclusions: In this feasibility study, we have developed a 3D U-Net model with the anatomy and desired DVH as inputs to predict an individualized 3D dose distribution. The predicted dose distributions can be used as references for dosimetrists and physicians to rapidly develop a clinically acceptable treatment plan.
