Existence results for a generalized mean field equation on a closed Riemann surface

Abstract in English

Let $Sigma$ be a closed Riemann surface, $h$ a positive smooth function on $Sigma$, $rho$ and $alpha$ real numbers. In this paper, we study a generalized mean field equation begin{align*} -Delta u=rholeft(dfrac{he^u}{int_Sigma he^u}-dfrac{1}{mathrm{Area}left(Sigmaright)}right)+alphaleft(u-fint_{Sigma}uright), end{align*} where $Delta$ denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator. We first derive a uniform bound for solutions when $rhoin (8kpi, 8(k+1)pi)$ for some non-negative integer number $kin mathbb{N}$ and $alpha otinmathrm{Spec}left(-Deltaright)setminusset{0}$. Then we obtain existence results for $alpha<lambda_1left(Sigmaright)$ by using the Leray-Schauder degree theory and the minimax method, where $lambda_1left(Sigmaright)$ is the first positive eigenvalue for $-Delta$.
