Dirac semimetal PdTe2 temperature-dependent quasiparticle dynamics and electron-phonon coupling

Abstract in English

Dirac semimetal PdTe2 single-crystal temperature-dependent ultrafast carrier and phonon dynamics were studied using ultrafast optical pump-probe spectroscopy. Two distinct carrier and coherent phonons relaxation processes were identified in the 5 K - 300 K range. Quantitative analysis revealed a fast relaxation process ({tau}_f) occurring on a subpicosecond time scale which originated from electron-phonon thermalization. This was followed by a slower relaxation process ({tau}_s) with a time scale of ~ 7-9.5 ps which originated from phonon-assisted electron-hole recombination. Two significant vibrational modes resolved at all measured temperatures and corresponded to Te atoms in-plane (E_g), and out-of-plane (A_1g), motion. As temperature increased both phonon modes softened markedly. A_1g mode frequency monotonically decreased as temperature increased. Its damping rate remained virtually unchanged. As expected, E_g decreased uniformly as temperatures rose. At temperatures above 80 K, there was insignificant change. Test results suggested that pure dephasing played an important role in the relaxation processes. PdTe2 phonon is thought responsible for its superconductive properties. Examining phonons behavior should improve the understanding of its complex superconductivity.
