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Quantum simulators employing cold atoms are among the most promising approaches to tackle quantum many-body problems. Nanophotonic structures are widely employed to engineer the bandstructure of light and are thus investigated as a means to tune the interactions between atoms placed in their vicinity. A key shortcoming of this approach is that excitations can decay into free photons, limiting the coherence of such quantum simulators. Here, we overcome this challenge by proposing to use a simple cubic three-dimensional array of atoms to produce an omnidirectional bandgap for light and show that it enables coherent, dissipation-free interactions between embedded impurities. We show explicitly that the band gaps persist for moderate lattice sizes and finite filling fraction, which makes this effect readily observable in experiment. Our work paves the way toward analogue spin quantum simulators with long-range interactions using ultracold atomic lattices, and is an instance of the emerging field of atomic quantum metamaterials.
Frequency comb based multidimensional coherent spectroscopy is a novel optical method that enables high resolution measurement in a short acquisition time. The methods resolution makes multidimensional coherent spectroscopy relevant for atomic systems that have narrow resonances. We use double-quantum multidimensional coherent spectroscopy to reveal collective hyperfine resonances in rubidium vapor at 100 C induced by dipole-dipole interactions. We observe tilted lineshapes in the double-quantum 2D spectra, which has never been reported for Doppler-broadened systems. The tilted lineshapes suggest that the signal is predominately from the interacting atoms that have near zero relative velocity.
We demonstrate Rabi flopping of small numbers of $rm{^{87}Rb}$ atoms between ground and Rydberg states with $nle 43$. Coherent population oscillations are observed for single atom flopping, while the presence of two or more atoms decoheres the oscillations. We show that these observations are consistent with van der Waals interactions of Rydberg atoms.
We study a means of creating multiparticle entanglement of neutral atoms using pairwise controlled dipole-dipole interactions in a three dimensional optical lattice. For tightly trapped atoms the dipolar interaction energy can be much larger than the photon scattering rate, and substantial coherent evolution of the two-atom state can be achieved before decoherence occurs. Excitation of the dipoles can be made conditional on the atomic states, allowing for deterministic generation of entanglement. We derive selection rules and a figure-of-merit for the dipole-dipole interaction matrix elements, for alkali atoms with hyperfine structure and trapped in well localized center of mass states. Different protocols are presented for implementing two-qubits quantum logic gates such as the controlled-phase and swap gate. We analyze the fidelity of our gate designs, imperfect due to decoherence from cooperative spontaneous emission and coherent couplings outside the logical basis. Outlines for extending our model to include the full molecular interactions potentials are discussed.
We have observed Stueckelberg oscillations in the dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg atoms with an externally applied radio-frequency field. The oscillating RF field brings the interaction between cold Rydberg atoms in two separated volumes into resonance. We observe multi-photon transitions when varying the amplitude of the RF-field and the static electric field offset. The angular momentum states we use show a quadratic Stark shift, which leads to a fundamentally different behavior than linearly shifting states. Both cases are studied theoretically using the Floquet approach and are compared. The amplitude of the sidebands, related to the interaction strength, is given by the Bessel function in the linearly shifting case and by the generalized Bessel function in the quadratically shifting case. The oscillatory behavior of both functions corresponds to Stueckelberg oscillations, an interference effect described by the semi-classical Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg model. The measurements prove coherent dipole-dipole interaction during at least 0.6 micro-seconds.
The effect of the dipole polarization on the quantum dipole dipole interaction near an Ag nanosphere (ANS) is investigated. A theoretical formalism in terms of classical Green function is developed for the transfer rate and the potential energy of the dipole dipole interaction (DDI) between two polarized dipoles. It is found that a linear transition dipole can couple to a left circularly polarized transition dipole much stronger than to a right circularly polarized transition dipole. This polarization selectivity exists over a wide frequency range and is robust against the variation of the dipoles position or the radius of the ANS. In contrast, a right circularly polarized transition dipole, can change sharply from coupling strongly to another right circularly polarized dipole to coupling strongly to a left circularly polarized dipole with varying frequency. However, if the two dipoles are placed in the same radial direction of the sphere, the right circularly polarized transition dipole can only couple to the dipole with the same polarization while not to the left circularly polarized transition dipole. These findings may be used in solid-state quantum-information processing based on the DDI.