Dynamics for the Haldane phase in the Bilinear-Biquadratic Model

Abstract in English

The BBM is a promising candidate to study spin-one systems and to design quantum simulators based on its underlying Hamiltonian. The variety of different phases contains amongst other valuable and exotic phases the Haldane phase. We study the Kibble-Zurek physics of linear quenches into the Haldane phase. We outline ideal quench protocols to minimize defects in the final state while exploiting different linear quench protocols via the uniaxial or interaction term. Furthermore, we look at the fate of the string order when quenching from a topologically non-trivial phase to a trivial phase. Our studies show this depends significantly on the path chosen for quenching; for example, we discover quenches from Neel{} to Haldane phase which reach a string order greater than their ground state counterparts for the initial or final state at intermediate quench times.
