Saturns Seasonal Atmosphere at Northern Summer Solstice

Abstract in English

The incredible longevity of Cassinis orbital mission at Saturn has provided the most comprehensive exploration of a seasonal giant planet to date. This review explores Saturns changing global temperatures, composition, and aerosol properties between northern spring and summer solstice (2015-2017), extending our previous review of Cassinis remote sensing investigations (2004-14, Fletcher et al., 2018) to the grand finale. The result is an unprecedented record of Saturns climate that spans almost half a Saturnian year, which can be used to test the seasonal predictions of radiative climate models, neutral and ion photochemistry models, and atmospheric circulation models. Hemispheric asymmetries in tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures were observed to reverse from northern winter to northern summer; spatial distributions of hydrocarbons and para-hydrogen shifted in response to atmospheric dynamics (e.g., seasonally-reversing Hadley cells, polar stratospheric vortex formation, equatorial stratospheric oscillations, and inter-hemispheric transport); and upper tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols exhibited changes in optical thickness that modulated Saturns visible colours (from blue hues to a golden appearance in the north near solstice), reflectivity, and near-infrared emission. Numerical simulations of radiative balance and photochemistry do a good job in reproducing the observed seasonal change and phase lags, but discrepancies between models and observations still persist, indicating a crucial role for atmospheric dynamics and the need to couple chemical and radiative schemes to the next generation of circulation models. With Cassinis demise, an extended study of Saturns seasons, from northern summer to autumn, will require the capabilities of ground- and space-based observatories, as we eagerly await the next orbital explorer at Saturn.
