Time-periodic corner states from Floquet higher-order topology

Abstract in English

The recent discoveries of higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) have shifted the paradigm of topological materials, which was previously limited to topological states at boundaries of materials, to those at boundaries of boundaries, such as corners . So far, all HOTI realisations have assumed static equilibrium described by time-invariant Hamiltonians, without considering time-variant or nonequilibrium properties. On the other hand, there is growing interest in nonequilibrium systems in which time-periodic driving, known as Floquet engineering, can induce unconventional phenomena including Floquet topological phases and time crystals. Recent theories have attemped to combine Floquet engineering and HOTIs, but there has thus far been no experimental realisation. Here we report on the experimental demonstration of a two-dimensional (2D) Floquet HOTI in a three-dimensional (3D) acoustic lattice, with modulation along z axis serving as an effective time-dependent drive. Direct acoustic measurements reveal Floquet corner states that have time-periodic evolution, whose period can be even longer than the underlying drive, a feature previously predicted for time crystals. The Floquet corner states can exist alongside chiral edge states under topological protection, unlike previous static HOTIs. These results demonstrate the unique space-time dynamic features of Floquet higher-order topology.
