Orbital angular momentum multiplication in plasmonic vortex cavities

Abstract in English

Orbital angular momentum of light is a core feature in photonics. Its confinement to surfaces using plasmonics has unlocked many phenomena and potential applications. Here we introduce the reflection from structural boundaries as a new degree of freedom to generate and control plasmonic orbital angular momentum. We experimentally demonstrate plasmonic vortex cavities, generating a succession of vortex pulses with increasing topological charge as a function of time. We track the spatio-temporal dynamics of these angularly decelerating plasmon pulse train within the cavities for over 300 femtoseconds using time-resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy, showing that the angular momentum grows by multiples of the chiral order of the cavity. The introduction of this degree of freedom to tame orbital angular momentum delivered by plasmonic vortices, could miniaturize pump-probe-like quantum initialization schemes, increase the torque exerted by plasmonic tweezers and potentially achieve vortex lattice cavities with dynamically evolving topology.
