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Reflectivity and Spectrum of Relativistic Flying Plasma Mirrors

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 Added by Pisin Chen
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Flying plasma mirrors induced by intense lasers has been proposed as a promising way to generate few-cycle EUV or X-ray lasers. In addition, if such a relativistic plasma mirror can accelerate, then it would serve as an analog black hole to investigate the information loss paradox associated with the black hole Hawking evaporation. Among these applications, the reflectivity, which is usually frequency-dependent, would affect the outgoing photon spectrum and therefore impact on the analysis of the physics under investigation. In this paper, these two issues are investigated analytically and numerically with one-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Based on our simulation results, we propose a new model that provides a better estimate of the reflectivity than those studied previously. Besides, we found that the peak frequency of the reflected spectrum of a gaussian incident wave deviates from the expected value, $4gamma^2omega$, due to the dependence of reflectivity on the frequency of the incident wave.

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A method for the controlled generation of intense high frequency electromagnetic fields by a breaking Langmuir wave (relativistic flying mirrors) in a gradually inhomogeneous plasma is proposed. The wave breaking threshold depends on the local plasma density gradient. Compression, chirping and frequency multiplication of an electromagnetic wave reflected from relativistic mirrors is demonstrated using Particle-In-Cell simulations. Adjusting the shape of the density profile enables control of the reflected light properties.
139 - F. Y. Li , Z. M. Sheng , M. Chen 2014
A new parameter regime of laser wakefield acceleration driven by sub-petawatt femotsecond lasers is proposed, which enables the generation of relativistic electron mirrors further accelerated by the plasma wave. Integrated particle-in-cell simulation including the mirror formation and Thomson scattering demonstrates that efficient coherent backscattering up to keV photon energy can be obtained with moderate driver laser intensities and high density gas targets.
A method to generate ultrahigh intense electromagnetic fields is suggested, based on the laser pulse compression, carrier frequency upshift and focusing by a counter-propagating breaking plasma wave, relativistic flying parabolic mirror. This method allows us to achieve the quantum electrodynamics critical field (Schwinger limit) with present day laser systems.
We report evidence for the first generation of XUV spectra from relativistic surface high-harmonic generation (SHHG) on plasma mirrors at a kilohertz repetition rate, emitted simultaneously and correlated to the emission of energetic electrons. We present measurements of SHHG spectra and electron angular distributions as a function of the experimentally controlled plasma density gradient scale length $L_mathrm{g}$ for three increasingly short and intense driving pulses: 24~fs (9 optical cycles) and $a_0=1.1$, 9~fs (3.5 optical cycles) and $a_0=1.8$, and finally 4~fs (1.7 optical cycles) and $a_0approx2.0$. For all driver pulses, we observe relativistic SHHG in the range $L_mathrm{g}in[lambda/25,lambda/10]$, with an optimum gradient scale length of $L_mathrm{g}approxlambda/15$.
Relativistic flying mirrors in plasmas are realized as thin dense electron (or electron-ion) layers accelerated by high-intensity electromagnetic waves to velocities close to the speed of light in vacuum. The reflection of an electromagnetic wave from the relativistic mirror results in its energy and frequency changing. In a counter-propagation configuration, the frequency of the reflected wave is multiplied by the factor proportional to the Lorentz factor squared. This scientific area promises the development of sources of ultrashort X-ray pulses in the attosecond range. The expected intensity will reach the level at which the effects predicted by nonlinear quantum electrodynamics start to play a key role.
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