Non-trivial black hole solutions in $mathit{f(R)}$ gravitational theory

Abstract in English

Recent observation shows that general relativity (GR) is not valid in the strong regime. $mathit{f(R)}$ gravity where $mathit{R}$ is the Ricci scalar, is regarded to be one of good candidates able to cure the anomalies appeared in the conventional general relativity. In this realm, we apply the equation of motions of $mathit{f(R)}$ gravity to a spherically symmetric spacetime with two unknown functions and derive original black hole (BH) solutions without any constrains on the Ricci scalar as well as on the form of $mathit{f(R)}$ gravity. Those solutions depend on a convolution function and are deviating from the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein GR. These solutions are characterized by the gravitational mass of the system and the convolution function that in the asymptotic form gives extra terms that are responsible to make such BHs different from GR. Also, we show that these extra terms make the singularities of the invariants much weaker than those of the GR BH. We analyze such BHs using the trend of thermodynamics and show their consistency with the well known quantities in thermodynamics like the Hawking radiation, entropy and quasi-local energy. We also show that our BH solutions satisfy the first law of thermodynamics. Moreover, we study the stability analysis using the odd-type mode and shows that all the derived BHs are stable and have radial speed equal to one. Finally, using the geodesic deviations we derive the stability conditions of these BHs.
