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Ulrich Bundles on Cubic Fourfolds

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 Added by Daniele Faenzi
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We show the existence of rank 6 Ulrich bundles on a smooth cubic fourfold. First, we construct a simple sheaf E of rank 6 as an elementary modification of an ACM bundle of rank 6 on a smooth cubic fourfold. Such an E appears as an extension of two Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten sheaves. Then we prove that a general deformation of E(1) becomes Ulrich. In particular, this says that general cubic fourfolds have Ulrich complexity 6.

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165 - Daniele Faenzi 2018
We show that any polarized K3 surface supports special Ulrich bundles of rank 2.
87 - Zhiming Lin 2017
We assume that $mathcal{E}$ is a rank $r$ Ulrich bundle for $(P^n, mathcal{O}(d))$. The main result of this paper is that $mathcal{E}(i)otimes Omega^{j}(j)$ has natural cohomology for any integers $i in mathbb{Z}$ and $0 leq j leq n$, and every Ulrich bundle $mathcal{E}$ has a resolution in terms of $n$ of the trivial bundle over $P^n$. As a corollary, we can give a necessary and sufficient condition for Ulrich bundles if $n leq 3$, which can be used to find some new examples, i.e., rank $2$ bundles for $(P^3, mathcal{O}(2))$ and rank $3$ bundles for $(P^2, mathcal{O}(3))$.
We show that the maximal number of planes in a complex smooth cubic fourfold in ${mathbb P}^5$ is $405$, realized by the Fermat cubic only; the maximal number of real planes in a real smooth cubic fourfold is $357$, realized by the so-called Clebsch--Segre cubic. Altogether, there are but three (up to projective equivalence) cubics with more than $350$ planes.
In [1309.1899], Ranestad and Voisin showed, quite surprisingly, that the divisor in the moduli space of cubic fourfolds consisting of cubics apolar to a Veronese surface is not a Noether-Lefschetz divisor. We give an independent proof of this by exhibiting an explicit cubic fourfold X in the divisor and using point counting methods over finite fields to show X is Noether-Lefschetz general. We also show that two other divisors considered in [ibid.] are not Noether-Lefschetz divisors.
We classify the Ulrich vector bundles of arbitrary rank on smooth projective varieties of minimal degree. In the process, we prove the stability of the sheaves of relative differentials on rational scrolls.
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