Transitioning Universe with hybrid scalar field in Bianchi I space-time

Abstract in English

In this paper we investigate a Bianchi type I transitioning Universe in Brans-Dicke theory. To get an explicit solution of the field equations, we assume scalar field as $phi = phi_{0}left[t^{alpha}exp(beta t)right]^{delta}$ with $phi_{0}$, $alpha$, $beta$ and $delta$ as constants. The values of $alpha$ and $beta$ are obtained by probing the proposed model with recent observational Hubble data (OHD) points. The interacting and non-interacting scenarios between dark matter and dark energy of the derived Universe within the framework of Brans-Dicke gravity are investigated. The $om(z)$ analysis of the Universe in derived model shows that the Universe is filled with dynamical dark energy with its equation of state parameter $omega_{de} > -1$. Hence the Universe behaves like a quintessence model at present epoch. Some physical properties of the Universe are also discussed.
