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In this paper we consider the so-called procedure of {it Continuous Steiner Symmetrization}, introduced by Brock in cite{bro95,bro00}. It transforms every domain $Omegasubsetsubsetmathbb{R}^d$ into the ball keeping the volume fixed and letting the first eigenvalue and the torsion respectively decrease and increase. While this does not provide, in general, a $gamma$-continuous map $tmapstoOmega_t$, it can be slightly modified so to obtain the $gamma$-continuity for a $gamma$-dense class of domains $Omega$, namely, the class of polyedral sets in $mathbb{R}^d$. This allows to obtain a sharp characterization of the Blaschke-Santalo diagram of torsion and eigenvalue.
Motivated by the geodesic barycenter problem from optimal transportation theory, we prove a natural generalization of the Blaschke-Santalo inequality and the affine isoperimetric inequalities for many sets and many functions. We derive from it an entropy bound for the total Kantorovich cost appearing in the barycenter problem. We also establish a pointwise Prekopa-Leindler inequality and show a monotonicity property of the multimarginal Blaschke-Santalo functional.
In this article, we are interested in the analysis and simulation of solutions to an optimal control problem motivated by population dynamics issues. In order to control the spread of mosquito-borne arboviruses, the population replacement technique consists in releasing into the environment mosquitoes infected with the Wolbachia bacterium, which greatly reduces the transmission of the virus to the humans. Spatial releases are then sought in such a way that the infected mosquito population invades the uninfected mosquito population. Assuming very high mosquito fecundity rates, we first introduce an asymptotic model on the proportion of infected mosquitoes and then an optimal control problem to determine the best spatial strategy to achieve these releases. We then analyze this problem, including the optimality of natural candidates and carry out first numerical simulations in one dimension of space to illustrate the relevance of our approach.
We explore an optimal partition problem on surfaces using a computational approach. The problem is to minimise the sum of the first Dirichlet Laplace--Beltrami operator eigenvalues over a given number of partitions of a surface. We consider a method based on eigenfunction segregation and perform calculations using modern high performance computing techniques. We first test the accuracy of the method in the case of three partitions on the sphere then explore the problem for higher numbers of partitions and on other surfaces.
We study the homogenization of elliptic systems of equations in divergence form where the coefficients are compositions of periodic functions with a random diffeomorphism with stationary gradient. This is done in the spirit of scalar stochastic homogenization by Blanc, Le Bris and P.-L. Lions. An application of the abstract result is given for Maxwells equations in random dissipative bianisotropic media.
We study the Cauchy problem for the quasi-geostrophic equations in a unit ball of the two dimensional space with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. We show the existence, the uniqueness of the strong solution in the framework of Besov spaces. We establish a spectral localization technique and commutator estimates.