Absorption-Based Diamond Spin Microscopy on a Plasmonic Quantum Metasurface

Abstract in English

Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have emerged as a leading quantum sensor platform, combining exceptional sensitivity with nanoscale spatial resolution by optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR). Because fluorescence-based ODMR techniques are limited by low photon collection efficiency and modulation contrast, there has been growing interest in infrared (IR)-absorption-based readout of the NV singlet state transition. IR readout can improve contrast and collection efficiency, but it has thus far been limited to long-pathlength geometries in bulk samples due to the small absorption cross section of the NV singlet state. Here, we amplify the IR absorption by introducing a resonant diamond metallodielectric metasurface that achieves a quality factor of Q ~ 1,000. This plasmonic quantum sensing metasurface (PQSM) combines localized surface plasmon polariton resonances with long-range Rayleigh-Wood anomaly modes and achieves the desired balance between field localization and sensing volume to optimize spin readout sensitivity. From combined electromagnetic and rate-equation modeling, we estimate a sensitivity below 1 nT/Hz$^{1/2}$ per um$^2$ of sensing area using numbers for present-day NV diamond samples and fabrication techniques. The proposed PQSM enables a new form of microscopic ODMR sensing with infrared readout near the spin-projection-noise-limited sensitivity, making it appealing for the most demanding applications such as imaging through scattering tissue and spatially-resolved chemical NMR detection.
