Prediction and Observation of Intermodulation Sidebands from Anharmonic Phonons

Abstract in English

A quantum Langevin model, similar to models used recently for optomechanics, was used to predict intermodulation phonon sidebands (IPS). Ab initio calculations of anharmonic phonons in rocksalt NaBr showed these spectral features as many-body effects. Modern inelastic neutron scattering measurements on a crystal of NaBr at 300K revealed diffuse intensity at high phonon energy from a predicted upper IPS. The transverse optical (TO) part of the new features originates from phonon intermodulation between the transverse acoustic (TA) and TO phonons. The longitudinal optical (LO) spectral features originate from three-phonon coupling between the TA modes and the TO lattice modes. The partner lower IPS proves to be an intrinsic localized mode. Interactions with the thermal bath broaden and redistribute the spectral weight of the IPS pair. These sidebands are a probe of anharmonicity and quantum noise, which originate from interactions between the phonons in NaBr.
