Smoothness of densities for path-dependent SDEs under Hormanders condition

Abstract in English

We establish the existence of smooth densities for solutions to a broad class of path-dependent SDEs under a Hormander-type condition. The classical scheme based on the reduced Malliavin matrix turns out to be unavailable in the path-dependent context. We approach the problem by lifting the given $n$-dimensional path-dependent SDE into a suitable $L_p$-type Banach space in such a way that the lifted Banach-space-valued equation becomes a state-dependent reformulation of the original SDE. We then formulate Hormanders bracket condition in $mathbb R^n$ for non-anticipative SDE coefficients defining the Lie brackets in terms of vertical derivatives in the sense of the functional It^o calculus. Our pathway to the main result engages an interplay between the analysis of SDEs in Banach spaces, Malliavin calculus, and rough path techniques.
