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Weak Limits of Fractional Sobolev Homeomorphisms are Almost Injective: A Note

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 Added by James Scott
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Let $Omega subset mathbb{R}^n$ be an open set and $f_k in W^{s,p}(Omega;mathbb{R}^n)$ be a sequence of homeomorphisms weakly converging to $f in W^{s,p}(Omega;mathbb{R}^n)$. It is known that if $s=1$ and $p > n-1$ then $f$ is injective almost everywhere in the domain and the target. In this note we extend such results to the case $sin(0,1)$ and $sp > n-1$. This in particular applies to $C^s$-Holder maps.

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Let $Omegasubseteqmathcal{R}^2$ be a domain, let $X$ be a rearrangement invariant space and let $fin W^{1}X(Omega,mathcal{R}^2)$ be a homeomorphism between $Omega$ and $f(Omega)$. Then there exists a sequence of diffeomorphisms $f_k$ converging to $f$ in the space $W^{1}X(Omega,mathcal{R}^2)$.
We present a classification of strict limits of planar BV homeomorphisms. The authors and S. Hencl showed in a previous work cite{CHKR} that such mappings allow for cavitations and fractures singularities but fulfill a suitable generalization of the INV condition. As pointed out by J. Ball cite{B}, these features are physically expected by limit configurations of elastic deformations. In the present work we develop a suitable generalization of the emph{no-crossing} condition introduced by De Philippis and Pratelli in cite{PP} to describe weak limits of planar Sobolev homeomorphisms that we call emph{BV no-crossing} condition, and we show that a planar mapping satisfies this property if and only if it can be approximated strictly by homeomorphisms of bounded variations.
We discuss $C^1$ regularity and developability of isometric immersions of flat domains into $mathbb R^3$ enjoying a local fractional Sobolev $W^{1+s, frac2s}$ regularity for $2/3 le s< 1 $, generalizing the known results on Sobolev and Holder regimes. Ingredients of the proof include analysis of the weak Codazzi-Mainardi equations of the isometric immersions and study of $W^{2,frac2s}$ planar deformations with symmetric Jacobian derivative and vanishing distributional Jacobian determinant. On the way, we also show that the distributional Jacobian determinant, conceived as an operator defined on the Jacobian matrix, behaves like determinant of gradient matrices under products by scalar functions.
93 - Robin Neumayer 2019
In this note, we establish a strong form of the quantitive Sobolev inequality in Euclidean space for $p in (1,n)$. Given any function $u in dot W^{1,p}(mathbb{R}^n)$, the gap in the Sobolev inequality controls $| abla u - abla v|_{p}$, where $v$ is an extremal function for the Sobolev inequality.
361 - S. A. Marano , S. Mosconi 2019
The general stability problem of truncations for a family of functions concentrating mass at the origin is described and a concrete example in the framework of entire optimizers for the fractional Hardy-Sobolev inequality is given. In this short note we point out some quantitative stability estimates, useful in dealing with critical $p-q$ fractional equations.
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