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In this mini review, we discuss some recent developments regarding properties of (quantum) field-theory models containing anti-Hermitian Yukawa interactions between pseudoscalar fields (axions) and Dirac (or Majorana) fermions. Specifically, after motivating physically such interactions, in the context of string-inspired low-energy effective field theories, involving right-handed neutrinos and axion fields, we proceed to discuss their formal consistency within the so-called Parity-Time-reversal(PT)-symmetry framework, as well as dynamical mass generation, induced by the Yukawa interactions, for both fermions and axions. The Yukawa couplings are assumed weak, given that they are conjectured to have been generated by non-perturbative effects in the underlying microscopic string theory. The models under discussion contain, in addition to the Yukawa terms, also anti-Hermitian anomalous derivative couplings of the pseudoscalar fields to axial fermion currents, as well as interactions of the fermions with non-Hermitian axial backgrounds. We discuss the role of such additional couplings on the Yukawa-induced dynamically-generated masses. For the case where the fermions are right-handed neutrinos, we compare such masses with the radiative ones induced by both, the anti-Hermitian anomalous terms and the anti-Hermitian Yukawa interactions in phenomenologically relevant models.
We explore a scenario in the Standard Model in which dimension four Yukawa couplings are either forbidden by a symmetry, or happen to be very tiny, and the Yukawa interactions are dominated by effective dimension six interactions. In this case, the Higgs interactions to the fermions are enhanced in a large way, whereas its interaction with the gauge bosons remains the same as in the Standard Model. In hadron colliders, Higgs boson production via gluon gluon fusion increases by a factor of nine. Higgs decay widths to fermion anti-fermion pairs also increase by the same factor, whereas the decay widths to photon photon and gamma Z are reduced. Current Tevatron exclusion range for the Higgs mass increases to ~ 142-200 GeV in our scenario, and new physics must appear at a scale below a TeV.
We investigate the impact of operators of higher canonical dimension on the lower Higgs mass consistency bound by means of generalized Higgs-Yukawa interactions. Analogously to higher-order operators in the bare Higgs potential in an effective field theory approach, the inclusion of higher-order Yukawa interactions, e.g., $phi^3bar{psi}psi$, leads to a diminishing of the lower Higgs mass bound and thus to a shift of the scale of new physics towards larger scales by a few orders of magnitude without introducing a metastability in the effective Higgs potential. We observe that similar renormalization group mechanisms near the weak-coupling fixed point are at work in both generalizations of the microscopic action. Thus, a combination of higher-dimensional operators with generalized Higgs as well as Yukawa interactions does not lead to an additive shift of the lower mass bound, but relaxes the consistency bounds found recently only slightly. On the method side, we clarify the convergence properties of different projection and expansion schemes for the Yukawa potential used in the functional renormalization group literature so far.
We introduce a simple model of dynamical supersymmetry breaking. It is like a supersymmetric version of a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with a spin one composite. The simplest version of the model as presented here has a single chiral superfield (multiplet) with a four-superfield interaction. The latter has the structure of the square of the superfield magnitude square. A vacuum condensate of the latter is illustrated to develop giving rise to supersymmetry breaking with a soft mass term for the superfield. We report also the effective theory picture with a real superfield composite, illustrating the matching effective potential analysis and the vacuum solution conditions for the components. The nature of its fermionic part as the Goldstone mode is presented. Phenomenological application to the supersymmetric standard model is plausible.
Renormalizable SO(10) grand unified theories (GUTs), extended by $O(N_g)_F$ family gauge symmetry, generate minimal supersymmetric Standard Model flavour structure dynamically via vacuum expectation values of Yukawon Higgs multiplets. For concrete illustration and calculability, we work with the fully realistic minimal supersymmetric GUTs based on the $bf{210 oplus {overline{126}}oplus 126} $ GUT Higgs system - which were already parameter counting minimal relative to other realistic models. $SO(10)$ fermion Higgs channels $bf{{overline{126}},10}$($mathbf{120}$) extend to symmetric(antisymmetric) representations of $O(N_g)_F$, while $mathbf{210,126}$ are symmetric. $N_g=3$ dynamical Yukawa generation reduces the matter fermion Yukawas from 15 to 3 (21 to 5) without (with) the $bf{120}$ Higgs. Yukawon GUTs are thus ultraminimal in parameter counting terms. Consistent symmetry breaking is ensured by a hidden sector Bajc-Melfo(BM) superpotential with a pair of symmetric $O(N_g)$ multiplets $phi,S $, of which the latters singlet part $S_s$ breaks supersymmetry and the traceless part $hat S $ furnishes flat directions to cancel the $O(N_g)$ D-term contributions of the visible sector. Novel dark matter candidates linked to flavour symmetry arise from both the BM sector and GUT sector minimal supersymmetric Standard Model singlet pseudo-Goldstones. These relics may be viable light($< 50 $ GeV) cold dark matter as reported by DAMA/LIBRA. In contrast to the new minimal supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory (NMSGUT) even sterile neutrinos can appear in certain branches of the flavour symmetry breaking without the tuning of couplings.
We investigate the dynamical properties for non-Hermitian triple-well system with a loss in the middle well. When chemical potentials in two end wells are uniform and nonlinear interactions are neglected, there always exists a dark state, whose eigenenergy becomes zero, and the projections onto which do not change over time and the loss factor. The increasing of loss factor only makes the damping form from the oscillating decay to over-damping decay. However, when the nonlinear interaction is introduced, even interactions in the two end wells are also uniform, the projection of the dark state will be obviously diminished. Simultaneously the increasing of loss factor will also aggravate the loss. In this process the interaction in the middle well plays no role. When two chemical potentials or interactions in two end wells are not uniform all disappear with time. In addition, when we extend the triple-well system to a general (2n + 1)-well, the loss is reduced greatly by the factor 1=2n in the absence of the nonlinear interaction.