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The goal of this work is to investigate the performance of popular speaker recognition models on speech segments from movies, where often actors intentionally disguise their voice to play a character. We make the following three contributions: (i) We collect a novel, challenging speaker recognition dataset called VoxMovies, with speech for 856 identities from almost 4000 movie clips. VoxMovies contains utterances with varying emotion, accents and background noise, and therefore comprises an entirely different domain to the interview-style, emotionally calm utterances in current speaker recognition datasets such as VoxCeleb; (ii) We provide a number of domain adaptation evaluation sets, and benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art speaker recognition models on these evaluation pairs. We demonstrate that both speaker verification and identification performance drops steeply on this new data, showing the challenge in transferring models across domains; and finally (iii) We show that simple domain adaptation paradigms improve performance, but there is still large room for improvement.
This paper describes the systems submitted by team HCCL to the Far-Field Speaker Verification Challenge. Our previous work in the AIshell Speaker Verification Challenge 2019 shows that the powerful modeling abilities of Neural Network architectures can provide exceptional performance for this kind of task. Therefore, in this challenge, we focus on constructing deep Neural Network architectures based on TDNN, Resnet and Res2net blocks. Most of the developed systems consist of Neural Network embeddings are applied with PLDA backend. Firstly, the speed perturbation method is applied to augment data and significant performance improvements are achieved. Then, we explore the use of AMsoftmax loss function and propose to join a CE-loss branch when we train model using AMsoftmax loss. In addition, the impact of score normalization on performance is also investigated. The final system, a fusion of four systems, achieves minDCF 0.5342, EER 5.05% on task1 eval set, and achieves minDCF 0.5193, EER 5.47% on task3 eval set.
In this report, we describe the Beijing ZKJ-NPU team submission to the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2021 (VoxSRC-21). We participated in the fully supervised speaker verification track 1 and track 2. In the challenge, we explored various kinds of advanced neural network structures with different pooling layers and objective loss functions. In addition, we introduced the ResNet-DTCF, CoAtNet and PyConv networks to advance the performance of CNN-based speaker embedding model. Moreover, we applied embedding normalization and score normalization at the evaluation stage. By fusing 11 and 14 systems, our final best performances (minDCF/EER) on the evaluation trails are 0.1205/2.8160% and 0.1175/2.8400% respectively for track 1 and 2. With our submission, we came to the second place in the challenge for both tracks.
This paper presents a far-field text-dependent speaker verification database named HI-MIA. We aim to meet the data requirement for far-field microphone array based speaker verification since most of the publicly available databases are single channel close-talking and text-independent. The database contains recordings of 340 people in rooms designed for the far-field scenario. Recordings are captured by multiple microphone arrays located in different directions and distance to the speaker and a high-fidelity close-talking microphone. Besides, we propose a set of end-to-end neural network based baseline systems that adopt single-channel data for training. Moreover, we propose a testing background aware enrollment augmentation strategy to further enhance the performance. Results show that the fusion systems could achieve 3.29% EER in the far-field enrollment far field testing task and 4.02% EER in the close-talking enrollment and far-field testing task.
The convolutional neural network (CNN) based approaches have shown great success for speaker verification (SV) tasks, where modeling long temporal context and reducing information loss of speaker characteristics are two important challenges significantly affecting the verification performance. Previous works have introduced dilated convolution and multi-scale aggregation methods to address above challenges. However, such methods are also hard to make full use of some valuable information, which make it difficult to substantially improve the verification performance. To address above issues, we construct a novel CNN-based architecture for SV, called RSKNet-MTSP, where a residual selective kernel block (RSKBlock) and a multiple time-scale statistics pooling (MTSP) module are first proposed. The RSKNet-MTSP can capture both long temporal context and neighbouring information, and gather more speaker-discriminative information from multi-scale features. In order to design a portable model for real applications with limited resources, we then present a lightweight version of RSKNet-MTSP, namely RSKNet-MTSP-L, which employs a combination technique associating the depthwise separable convolutions with low-rank factorization of weight matrices. Extensive experiments are conducted on two public SV datasets, VoxCeleb and Speaker in the Wild (SITW). The results demonstrate that 1) RSKNet-MTSP outperforms the state-of-the-art deep embedding architectures by at least 9%-26% in all test sets. 2) RSKNet-MTSP-L achieves competitive performance compared with baseline models with 17%-39% less network parameters. The ablation experiments further illustrate that our proposed approaches can achieve substantial improvement over prior methods.
Large performance degradation is often observed for speaker ver-ification systems when applied to a new domain dataset. Givenan unlabeled target-domain dataset, unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA) methods, which usually leverage adversarial training strate-gies, are commonly used to bridge the performance gap caused bythe domain mismatch. However, such adversarial training strategyonly uses the distribution information of target domain data and cannot ensure the performance improvement on the target domain. Inthis paper, we incorporate self-supervised learning strategy to the un-supervised domain adaptation system and proposed a self-supervisedlearning based domain adaptation approach (SSDA). Compared tothe traditional UDA method, the new SSDA training strategy canfully leverage the potential label information from target domainand adapt the speaker discrimination ability from source domainsimultaneously. We evaluated the proposed approach on the Vox-Celeb (labeled source domain) and CnCeleb (unlabeled target do-main) datasets, and the best SSDA system obtains 10.2% Equal ErrorRate (EER) on the CnCeleb dataset without using any speaker labelson CnCeleb, which also can achieve the state-of-the-art results onthis corpus.