Nonlinear Compression of Besselon Waves for High Repetition-Rate Subpicosecond Pulses Trains

Abstract in English

We theoretically and experimentally demonstrate the generation of high-quality low duty-cycle pulse trains at repetition rates of 28 GHz, 56 GHz and 112 GHz. Starting from a continuous wave we benefit from phase modulations in the temporal and spectral domains by applying a sinusoidal profile and a set of well-chosen $pi$ shifts, respectively, to generate a train of modified besselons at doubled repetition rate. With further nonlinear spectral expansion in a normally dispersive fiber followed by dispersion compensation we achieve subpicosecond durations and a duty cycle as low as 0.025 at 28 GHz. Spectral cancelation of one component over two or four enables to further double or quadruple the repetition rate.
