Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories and Modular Linear Differential Equations

Abstract in English

We define Modular Linear Differential Equations (MLDE) for the level-two congruence subgroups $Gamma_vartheta$, $Gamma^0(2)$ and $Gamma_0(2)$ of $text{SL}_2(mathbb Z)$. Each subgroup corresponds to one of the spin structures on the torus. The pole structures of the fermionic MLDEs are investigated by exploiting the valence formula for the level-two congruence subgroups. We focus on the first and second order holomorphic MLDEs without poles and use them to find a large class of `Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories, which have non-negative integer coefficients in the $q$-series expansion of their characters. We study the detailed properties of these fermionic RCFTs, some of which are supersymmetric. This work also provides a starting point for the classification of the fermionic Modular Tensor Category.
