Comments on the Quantum Field Theory of the Coulomb Gas Formalism

Abstract in English

The holomorphic Coulomb gas formalism is a set of rules for computing minimal model observables using free field techniques. We attempt to derive and clarify these rules using standard techniques of QFT. We begin with a careful examination of the timelike linear dilaton. Although the background charge $Q$ breaks the scalar fields continuous shift symmetry, the exponential of the action is invariant under a discrete shift because $Q$ is imaginary. Gauging this symmetry makes the dilaton compact and introduces winding modes into the spectrum. One of these winding operators corresponds to the BRST current first introduced by Felder. The cohomology of this BRST charge isolates the irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra within the linear dilaton Fock space, and the supertrace in the BRST complex reproduces the minimal model partition function. The model at the radius $R=sqrt{pp}$ has two marginal operators corresponding to the Dotsenko-Fateev screening charges. Deforming by them, we obtain a model that might be called a BRST quotiented compact timelike Liouville theory. The Hamiltonian of the zero-mode quantum mechanics is not Hermitian, but it is $PT$-symmetric and exactly solvable. Its eigenfunctions have support on an infinite number of plane waves, suggesting an infinite reduction in the number of independent states in the full QFT. Applying conformal perturbation theory to the exponential interactions reproduces the Coulomb gas calculations of minimal model correlators. In contrast to spacelike Liouville, these resonance correlators are finite because the zero mode is compact. We comment on subtleties regarding the reflection operator identification, as well as naive violations of truncation in correlators with multiple reflection operators inserted. This work is part of an attempt to understand the relationship between JT gravity and the $(2,p)$ minimal string.
