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BRITE photometry and STELLA spectroscopy of bright stars in Auriga: Rotation, pulsation, orbits, and eclipses

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 Added by Michael Weber
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Continuous photometry with up to three BRITE satellites was obtained for 12 targets and subjected to a period search. Contemporaneous high-resolution optical spectroscopy with STELLA was used to obtain radial velocities through cross correlation with template spectra as well as to determine astrophysical parameters through a comparison with model spectra. The Capella red light curve was found to be constant over 176 days with a root mean square of 1 mmag, but the blue light curve showed a period of 10.1$pm$0.6 d, which we interpret to be the rotation period of the G0 component. The BRITE light curve of the F0 supergiant $varepsilon$Aur suggests 152 d as its main pulsation period, while the STELLA radial velocities reveal a clear 68 d period. An ingress of an eclipse of the $zeta$Aur binary system was covered with BRITE and a precise timing for its eclipse onset derived. $eta$Aur is identified as a slowly pulsating B (SPB) star with a main period of 1.29 d and is among the brightest SPB stars discovered so far. The rotation period of the magnetic Ap star $theta$Aur is detected from photometry and spectroscopy with a period of 3.6189 d and 3.6177 d, respectively, likely the same within the errors. Photometric rotation periods are also confirmed for the magnetic Ap star $tau$Aur of 2.463 d and for the solar-type star $kappa^1$Cet of 9.065 d, and also for the B7 HgMn giant $beta$Tau of 2.74 d. Revised orbital solutions are derived for the eclipsing SB2 binary $beta$Aur, for the 27 year eclipsing SB1 $varepsilon$Aur, and for the RS CVn binary HR 1099. The two stars $ u$ Aur and $iota$Aur are found to be long-term, low-amplitude RV and brightness variables, but provisional orbital elements based on a period of 20 yr and an eccentricity of 0.7 could only be extracted for $ u$Aur. The variations of $iota$Aur are due to oscillations with a period of $approx$4 yr.

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BRITE-Constellation (where BRITE stands for BRIght Target Explorer) is an international nanosatellite mission to monitor photometrically, in two colours, brightness and temperature variations of stars brighter than V = 4. The current mission design consists of three pairs of 7 kg nanosats from Austria, Canada and Poland carrying optical telescopes and CCDs. One instrument in each pair is equipped with a blue filter; the other, a red filter. The first two nanosats are UNIBRITE, designed and built by University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies - Space Flight Laboratory and its twin, BRITE-Austria, built by the Technical University Graz with support of UTIAS-SFL. They were launched on 25 February 2013 by the Indian Space Agency under contract to the Canadian Space Agency into a low-Earth dusk-dawn polar orbit.
BRITE-Constellation (where BRITE stands for BRIght Target Explorer) is an international nanosatellite mission to monitor photometrically, in two colours, the brightness and temperature variations of stars generally brighter than mag(V) ~ 4, with precision and time coverage not possible from the ground. The current mission design consists of six nanosats (hence Constellation): two from Austria, two from Canada, and two from Poland. Each 7 kg nanosat carries an optical telescope of aperture 3 cm feeding an uncooled CCD. One instrument in each pair is equipped with a blue filter, the other with a red filter. Each BRITE instrument has a wide field of view (~24 degrees), so up to about 15 bright stars can be observed simultaneously, sampled in 32 pixel x 32 pixel sub-rasters. Photometry of additional fainter targets, with reduced precision but thorough time sampling, will be possible through onboard data processing. The BRITE sample is dominated by the most intrinsically luminous stars: massive stars seen at all evolutionary stages, and evolved medium-class stars at the very end of their nuclear burning phases. The goals of BRITE-Constellation are to (1) measure p- and g-mode pulsations to probe the interiors and ages of stars through asteroseismology; (2) look for varying spots on the stars surfaces carried across the stellar disks by rotation, which are the sources of co-rotating interaction regions in the winds of the most luminous stars, probably arising from magnetic subsurface convection; and (3) search for planetary transits.
Empirical evidence for the involvement of nonradial pulsations (NRPs) in the mass loss from Be stars ranges from (i) a singular case (object{$mu$ Cen}) of repetitive mass ejections triggered by multi-mode beating to (ii) several photometric reports about enormous numbers of pulsation modes popping up during outbursts and on to (iii) effective single-mode pulsators. The BRITE Constellation of nanosatellites was used to obtain mmag photometry of the Be stars $eta$ and object{$mu$ Cen}. In the low-inclination star object{$mu$ Cen}, light pollution by variable amounts of near-stellar matter prevented any new insights into the variability and other properties of the central star. In the equator-on star object{$eta$ Cen}, BRITE photometry and {sc Heros} echelle spectroscopy from the 1990s reveal an intricate clockwork of star-disk interactions. The mass transfer is modulated with the frequency difference of two NRP modes and an amplitude three times as large as the amplitude sum of the two NRP modes. This process feeds a high-amplitude circumstellar activity running with the incoherent and slightly lower so-called v{S}tefl frequency. The mass loss-modulation cycles are tightly coupled to variations in the value of the v{S}tefl frequency and in its amplitude, albeit with strongly drifting phase differences. The observations are well described by the decomposition of the mass loss into a pulsation-related engine in the star and a viscosity-dominated engine in the circumstellar disk. Arguments are developed that large-scale gas-circulation flows occur at the interface. The propagation rates of these eddies manifest themselves as v{S}tefl frequencies. Bursts in power spectra during mass-loss events can be understood as the noise inherent to these gas flows.
The BRITE Constellation of nanosatellites obtained mmag photometry of 28 Cygni for 11 months in 2014-2016. Observations with the Solar Mass Ejection Imager in 2003-2010 and 118 H$alpha$ line profiles were added. For decades, 28 Cyg has exhibited four large-amplitude frequencies: two closely spaced frequencies of spectroscopically confirmed $g$ modes near 1.5 c/d, one slightly lower exophotospheric (Stefl) frequency, and at 0.05 c/d the difference frequency between the two g modes. This top-level framework is indistinguishable from eta Cen (Paper I), which is also very similar in spectral type, rotation rate, and viewing angle. The Stefl frequency is the only one that does not seem to be affected by the difference frequency. The amplitude of the latter undergoes large variations; around maximum the amount of near-circumstellar matter is increased, and the amplitude of the Stefl frequency grows by some factor. During such brightenings dozens of transient spikes appear in the frequency spectrum, concentrated in three groups. Only eleven frequencies were common to all years of BRITE observations. Be stars seem to be controlled by several coupled clocks, most of which are not very regular on timescales of weeks to months but function for decades. The combination of g modes to the low difference frequency and/or the atmospheric response to it appears significantly nonlinear. Like in eta Cen, the difference-frequency variability seems the main responsible for the modulation of the star-to-disc mass transfer in 28 Cyg. A hierarchical set of difference frequencies may reach the longest timescales known of the Be phenomenon.
Stellar rotation affects the transport of chemical elements and angular momentum and is therefore a key process during stellar evolution, which is still not fully understood. This is especially true for massive stars, which are important for the chemical enrichment of the universe. It is therefore important to constrain their physical parameters and internal angular momentum distribution to calibrate stellar structure and evolution models. Stellar internal rotation can be probed through asteroseismic studies of rotationally split oscillations but such results are still quite rare, especially for stars more massive than the Sun. The SPB star HD201433 is known to be part of a single-lined spectroscopic triple system, with two low-mass companions orbiting with periods of about 3.3 and 154 d. Our results are based on photometric observations made by BRITE - Constellation and the SMEI on board the Coriolis satellite, high-resolution spectroscopy, and more than 96 years of radial velocity measurements. We identify a sequence of 9 rotationally split dipole modes in the photometric time series and establish that HD201433 is in principle a solid-body rotator with a very slow rotation period of 297+/-76 d. Tidal interaction with the inner companion has, however, significantly accelerated the spin of the surface layers by a factor of approximately one hundred. The angular momentum transfer onto the surface of HD201433 is also reflected by the statistically significant decrease of the orbital period of about 0.9 s during the last 96 years. Combining the asteroseismic inferences with the spectroscopic measurements and the orbital analysis of the inner binary system, we conclude that tidal interactions between the central SPB star and its inner companion have almost circularised the orbit but not yet aligned all spins of the system and have just begun to synchronise rotation.
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