Constraining resonances by using the electroweak effective theory

Abstract in English

In the light of the mass gap between Standard Model (SM) states and possible new particles, effective field theories are a suitable approach. We take on the non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking: the electroweak effective theory (EWET), also known as Higgs effective field theory (HEFT) or electroweak chiral Lagrangian (EWChL). At higher scales we consider a resonance electroweak Lagrangian, coupling SM fields to resonances. Integrating out these resonances and assuming a well-behaved high-energy behavior, some of the bosonic low-energy constants are determined or constrained in terms of resonance masses. Present experimental bounds on these low-energy constants allow us to push the resonance mass scale to the TeV range, $M_R geq 2,$TeV, in good agreement with previous estimations.
