Extreme High-Field Superconductivity in Thin Re Films

Abstract in English

We report the high-field superconducting properties of thin, disordered Re films via magneto-transport and tunneling density of states measurements. Films with thicknesses in the range of 9 nm to 3 nm had normal state sheet resistances of $sim$0.2 k$Omega$ to $sim$1 k$Omega$ and corresponding transition temperatures in the range of 6 K to 3 K. Tunneling spectra were consistent with those of a moderate coupling BCS superconductor. Notwithstanding these unremarkable superconducting properties, the films exhibited an extraordinarily high upper critical field. We estimate their zero-temperature $H_{c2}$ to be more than twice the Pauli limit. Indeed, in 6 nm samples the estimated reduced critical field $H_{c2}/T_csim$ 5.6 T/K is among the highest reported for any elemental superconductor. Although the sheet resistances of the films were well below the quantum resistance $R_Q=h/4e^2$, their $H_{c2}$s approached the theoretical upper limit of a strongly disordered superconductor for which $k_Fellsim1$.
