We report measurements of the scale of cosmic homogeneity ($r_{h}$) using the recently released quasar sample of the sixteenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV DR16). We perform our analysis in 2 redshift bins lying in the redshift interval $2.2 < z < 3.2$ by means of the fractal dimension $D_2$. By adopting the usual assumption that $r_{h}$ is obtained when $D_2 sim 2.97$, that is, within 1% of $D_2=3$, we find the cosmic homogeneity scale with a decreasing trend with redshift, and in good agreement with the $Lambda$CDM prediction. Our results confirm the presence of a homogeneity scale in the spatial distribution of quasars as predicted by the fundamental assumptions of the standard cosmological model.