Vector Potential and Surface Magnetic Field in Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnetic Materials

Abstract in English

A general formula for the average vector potential of bulk periodic systems is proposed and shown to set the boundary conditions at magnetic interfaces. For antiferromagnetic materials, the study reveals a unique relation between the macroscopic potential and the orientation-dependent magnetic quadrupole, as a result of the different crystalline and magnetic symmetries. In particular, at surfaces and interfaces of a truncated bulk without inversion and time-reversal symmetries, the average vector potential exhibits a discontinuity, which results in an interfacial magnetic field. In general, however, due to the surface and interface electronic and atomic relaxations, additional magnetization may result. For the experimentally-observed magnetoelectric antiferromagnets, in particular, our symmetry analysis suggest that the relaxation effects could well be a system response to the presence of such a potential discontinuity.
