The Reconstruction of Non-Minimal Derivative Coupling Inflationary Potentials

Abstract in English

We derive the reconstruction formulae for the inflation model with the non-minimal derivative coupling term. If reconstructing the potential from the tensor-to-scalar ratio, we could obtain the potential without using the high friction limit. As an example, we reconstruct the potential from the parametrization $r=8alpha/(N+beta)^{gamma}$, which is a general form of the $alpha$-attractor. The reconstructed potential has the same asymptotic behavior as the T- and E-model if we choose $gamma=2$ and $alphall1$. We also discuss the constraints from the reheating phase preceding the radiation domination by assuming the parameter $w_{re}$ of state equation during reheating is a constant. The scale of big-bang nucleosynthesis could put a up limit on $n_s$ if $w_{re}=2/3$ and a low limit on $n_s$ if $w_{re}=1/6$.
