The controlling $L_infty$-algebra, cohomology and homotopy of embedding tensors and Lie-Leibniz triples

Abstract in English

In this paper, we first construct the controlling algebras of embedding tensors and Lie-Leibniz triples, which turn out to be a graded Lie algebra and an $L_infty$-algebra respectively. Then we introduce representations and cohomologies of embedding tensors and Lie-Leibniz triples, and show that there is a long exact sequence connecting various cohomologies. As applications, we classify infinitesimal deformations and central extensions using the second cohomology groups. Finally, we introduce the notion of a homotopy embedding tensor which will induce a Leibniz$_infty$-algebra. We realize Kotov and Strobls construction of an $L_infty$-algebra from an embedding tensor, to a functor from the category of homotopy embedding tensors to that of Leibniz$_infty$-algebras, and a functor further to that of $L_infty$-algebras.
