Phenomenological description of bright domain walls in ferroelectric-antiferroelectric layered chalcogenides

Abstract in English

Recently, a layered ferroelectric CuInP2Se6 was shown to exhibit domain walls with locally enhanced piezoresponse - a striking departure from the observations of nominally zero piezoresponse in most ferroelectrics. Although it was proposed that such bright domain walls are phase-boundaries between ferri- and antiferroelectrically ordered regions of the materials, the physical mechanisms behind the existence and response of these boundaries remain to be understood. Here, using Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire phenomenology combined with four sub-lattices model, we describe quantitatively the bright-contrast and dark-contrast domain boundaries between the antiferroelectric, ferroelectric or ferrielectric long-range ordered phases in a layered ferroelectric-antiferroelectric ferroics, such as CuInP2(S1-ySey)6
