A bottom-heavy initial mass function for the likely-accreted blue-halo stars of the Milky Way

Abstract in English

We use Gaia DR2 to measure the initial mass function (IMF) of stars within 250 pc and masses in the range 0.2 < m/Msun < 1.0, separated according to kinematics and metallicity, as determined from Gaia transverse velocity, v_T, and location on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD). The predominant thin-disc population (v_T < 40 km/s) has an IMF similar to traditional (e.g. Kroupa 2001}) stellar IMFs, with star numbers per mass interval dN/dm described by a broken power law, m^(-alpha), and index alpha_high=2.03 +0.14/-0.05 above m~0.5, shallowing to alpha_low=1.34 +0.11/-0.22 at m~<0.5. Thick-disc stars (60 km/s < v_T < 150 km/s) and stars belonging to the high-metallicity or red-sequence halo (v_T > 100 km/s or v_T > 200 km/s, and located above the isochrone on the HRD with metallicity [M/H] > -0.6) have a somewhat steeper high-mass slope, alpha_high=2.35 +0.97/-0.19 (and a similar low-mass slope alpha_low=1.14 +0.42/-0.50). Halo stars from the blue sequence, which are characterised by low-metallicity ([M/H] < -0.6), however, have a distinct, bottom-heavy IMF, well-described by a single power law with alpha=1.82 +0.17/-0.14 over most of the mass range probed. The IMF of the low-metallicity halo is reminiscent of the Salpeter-like IMF that has been measured in massive early-type galaxies, a stellar population that, like Milky-Way halo stars, has a high ratio of alpha elements to iron, [alpha/Fe]. Blue-sequence stars are likely the debris from accretion by the Milky Way, ~10 Gyrs ago, of the Gaia-Enceladus dwarf galaxy, or similar events. These results hint at a distinct mode of star formation common to two ancient stellar populations -- elliptical galaxies and galaxies possibly accreted early-on by ours.
