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The recent proposal of non-Abelian boson-fermion dualities in 2+1 dimensions, which morally relate $U(k)_N$ to $SU(N)_{-k}$ Chern-Simons-matter theories, presents a new platform for exploring the landscape of non-Abelian quantum Hall states accessible from theories of Abelian composite particles. Here we focus on dualities relating theories of Abelian quantum Hall states of bosons or fermions to theories of non-Abelian composite fermions partially filling Landau levels. We show that these dualities predict special filling fractions where both Abelian and non-Abelian composite fermion theories appear capable of hosting distinct topologically ordered ground states, one Abelian and the other a non-Abelian, $U(k)_2$ Blok-Wen state. Rather than being in conflict with the duality, we argue that these results indicate unexpected dynamics in which the infrared and lowest Landau level limits fail to commute across the duality. In such a scenario, the non-Abelian topological order can be destabilized in favor of the Abelian ground state, suggesting the presence of a phase transition between the Abelian and non-Abelian states that is likely to be first order. We also generalize these constructions to other non-Abelian fermion-fermion dualities, in the process obtaining new derivations of a variety of paired composite fermion phases using duality, including the anti-Pfaffian state. Finally, we describe how, in multilayer constructions, excitonic pairing of the composite fermions across $N$ layers can also generate the family of Blok-Wen states with $U(k)_2$ topological order.
It is an important open problem to understand the landscape of non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall phases which can be obtained starting from physically motivated theories of Abelian composite particles. We show that progress on this problem can be made using recently proposed non-Abelian bosonization dualities in 2+1 dimensions, which morally relate $U(N)_k$ and $SU(k)_{-N}$ Chern-Simons-matter theories. The advantage of these dualities is that regions of the phase diagram which may be obscure on one side of the duality can be accessed by condensing local operators on the other side. Starting from parent Abelian states, we use this approach to construct Landau-Ginzburg theories of non-Abelian states through a pairing mechanism. In particular, we obtain the bosonic Read-Rezayi sequence at fillings $ u=k/(kM+2)$ by starting from $k$ layers of bosons at $ u=1/2$ with $M$ Abelian fluxes attached. The Read-Rezayi states arise when $k$-clusters of the dual non-Abelian bosons condense. We extend this construction by showing that $N_f$-component generalizations of the Halperin $(2,2,1)$ bosonic states have dual descriptions in terms of $SU(N_f+1)_1$ Chern-Simons-matter theories, revealing an emergent global symmetry in the process. Clustering $k$ layers of these theories yields a non-Abelian $SU(N_f)$-singlet state at filling $ u = kN_f / (N_f + 1 + kMN_f)$.
We investigate the nature of the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state at filling factor $ u=13/5$, and its particle-hole conjugate state at $12/5$, with the Coulomb interaction, and address the issue of possible competing states. Based on a large-scale density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculation in spherical geometry, we present evidence that the physics of the Coulomb ground state (GS) at $ u=13/5$ and $12/5$ is captured by the $k=3$ parafermion Read-Rezayi RR state, $text{RR}_3$. We first establish that the state at $ u=13/5$ is an incompressible FQH state, with a GS protected by a finite excitation gap, with the shift in accordance with the RR state. Then, by performing a finite-size scaling analysis of the GS energies for $ u=12/5$ with different shifts, we find that the $text{RR}_3$ state has the lowest energy among different competing states in the thermodynamic limit. We find the fingerprint of $text{RR}_3$ topological order in the FQH $13/5$ and $12/5$ states, based on their entanglement spectrum and topological entanglement entropy, both of which strongly support their identification with the $text{RR}_3$ state. Furthermore, by considering the shift-free infinite-cylinder geometry, we expose two topologically-distinct GS sectors, one identity sector and a second one matching the non-Abelian sector of the Fibonacci anyonic quasiparticle, which serves as additional evidence for the $text{RR}_3$ state at $13/5$ and $12/5$.
Quantum Hall matrix models are simple, solvable quantum mechanical systems which capture the physics of certain fractional quantum Hall states. Recently, it was shown that the Hall viscosity can be extracted from the matrix model for Laughlin states. Here we extend this calculation to the matrix models for a class of non-Abelian quantum Hall states. These states, which were previously introduced by Blok and Wen, arise from the conformal blocks of Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory models. We show that the Hall viscosity computed from the matrix model coincides with a result of Read, in which the Hall viscosity is determined in terms of the weights of primary operators of an associated conformal field theory.
The nature of the state at low Landau-level filling factors has been a longstanding puzzle in the field of the fractional quantum Hall effect. While theoretical calculations suggest that a crystal is favored at filling factors $ ulesssim 1/6$, experiments show, at somewhat elevated temperatures, minima in the longitudinal resistance that are associated with fractional quantum Hall effect at $ u=$ 1/7, 2/11, 2/13, 3/17, 3/19, 1/9, 2/15 and 2/17, which belong to the standard sequences $ u=n/(6npm 1)$ and $ u=n/(8npm 1)$. To address this paradox, we investigate the nature of some of the low-$ u$ states, specifically $ u=1/7$, $2/13$, and $1/9$, by variational Monte Carlo, density matrix renormalization group, and exact diagonalization methods. We conclude that in the thermodynamic limit, these are likely to be incompressible fractional quantum Hall liquids, albeit with strong short-range crystalline correlations. This suggests a natural explanation for the experimentally observed behavior and a rich phase diagram that admits, in the low-disorder limit, a multitude of crystal-FQHE liquid transitions as the filling factor is reduced.
The Fibonacci topological order is the simplest platform for a universal topological quantum computer, consisting of a single type of non-Abelian anyon, $tau$, with fusion rule $tautimestau=1+tau$. While it has been proposed that the anyon spectrum of the $ u=12/5$ fractional quantum Hall state includes a Fibonacci sector, a dynamical picture of how a pure Fibonacci state may emerge in a quantum Hall system has been lacking. Here we use recently proposed non-Abelian dualities to construct a Fibonacci state of bosons at filling $ u=2$ starting from a trilayer of integer quantum Hall states. Our parent theory consists of bosonic composite vortices coupled to fluctuating $U(2)$ gauge fields, which is related to the standard theory of Laughlin quasiparticles by duality. The Fibonacci state is obtained by clustering the composite vortices between the layers, along with flux attachment, a procedure reminiscent of the clustering picture of the Read-Rezayi states. We further use this framework to motivate a wave function for the Fibonacci fractional quantum Hall state.