Practical method for decomposing discretized breakup cross sections into components of each channel

Abstract in English

Background: In the continuum-discretized coupled-channel method, a breakup cross section (BUX) is obtained as an admixture of several components of different channels in multi-channel scattering. Purpose: Our goal is to propose an approximate way of decomposing the discretized BUX into components of each channel. This approximation is referred to as the probability separation (P-separation). Method: As an example, we consider $^{11}$Be scattering by using the three-body model with core excitation ($^{10}mathrm{Be}+n+mathrm{T}$, where T is a target). The structural part is constructed by the particle-rotor model and the reaction part is described by the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). Results: The validity of the P-separation is tested by comparing with the exact calculation. The approximate way reproduces the exact BUXs well regardless of the configurations and/or the resonance positions of $^{11}$Be. Conclusion: The method proposed here can be an alternative approach for decomposing discretized BUXs into components in four- or five-body scattering where the strict decomposition is hard to perform.
