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Monocular Reconstruction of Neural Face Reflectance Fields

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 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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The reflectance field of a face describes the reflectance properties responsible for complex lighting effects including diffuse, specular, inter-reflection and self shadowing. Most existing methods for estimating the face reflectance from a monocular image assume faces to be diffuse with very few approaches adding a specular component. This still leaves out important perceptual aspects of reflectance as higher-order global illumination effects and self-shadowing are not modeled. We present a new neural representation for face reflectance where we can estimate all components of the reflectance responsible for the final appearance from a single monocular image. Instead of modeling each component of the reflectance separately using parametric models, our neural representation allows us to generate a basis set of faces in a geometric deformation-invariant space, parameterized by the input light direction, viewpoint and face geometry. We learn to reconstruct this reflectance field of a face just from a monocular image, which can be used to render the face from any viewpoint in any light condition. Our method is trained on a light-stage training dataset, which captures 300 people illuminated with 150 light conditions from 8 viewpoints. We show that our method outperforms existing monocular reflectance reconstruction methods, in terms of photorealism due to better capturing of physical premitives, such as sub-surface scattering, specularities, self-shadows and other higher-order effects.

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We present dynamic neural radiance fields for modeling the appearance and dynamics of a human face. Digitally modeling and reconstructing a talking human is a key building-block for a variety of applications. Especially, for telepresence applications in AR or VR, a faithful reproduction of the appearance including novel viewpoints or head-poses is required. In contrast to state-of-the-art approaches that model the geometry and material properties explicitly, or are purely image-based, we introduce an implicit representation of the head based on scene representation networks. To handle the dynamics of the face, we combine our scene representation network with a low-dimensional morphable model which provides explicit control over pose and expressions. We use volumetric rendering to generate images from this hybrid representation and demonstrate that such a dynamic neural scene representation can be learned from monocular input data only, without the need of a specialized capture setup. In our experiments, we show that this learned volumetric representation allows for photo-realistic image generation that surpasses the quality of state-of-the-art video-based reenactment methods.
We present Neural Reflectance Fields, a novel deep scene representation that encodes volume density, normal and reflectance properties at any 3D point in a scene using a fully-connected neural network. We combine this representation with a physically-based differentiable ray marching framework that can render images from a neural reflectance field under any viewpoint and light. We demonstrate that neural reflectance fields can be estimated from images captured with a simple collocated camera-light setup, and accurately model the appearance of real-world scenes with complex geometry and reflectance. Once estimated, they can be used to render photo-realistic images under novel viewpoint and (non-collocated) lighting conditions and accurately reproduce challenging effects like specularities, shadows and occlusions. This allows us to perform high-quality view synthesis and relighting that is significantly better than previous methods. We also demonstrate that we can compose the estimated neural reflectance field of a real scene with traditional scene models and render them using standard Monte Carlo rendering engines. Our work thus enables a complete pipeline from high-quality and practical appearance acquisition to 3D scene composition and rendering.
Decomposing a scene into its shape, reflectance, and illumination is a challenging but important problem in computer vision and graphics. This problem is inherently more challenging when the illumination is not a single light source under laboratory conditions but is instead an unconstrained environmental illumination. Though recent work has shown that implicit representations can be used to model the radiance field of an object, most of these techniques only enable view synthesis and not relighting. Additionally, evaluating these radiance fields is resource and time-intensive. We propose a neural reflectance decomposition (NeRD) technique that uses physically-based rendering to decompose the scene into spatially varying BRDF material properties. In contrast to existing techniques, our input images can be captured under different illumination conditions. In addition, we also propose techniques to convert the learned reflectance volume into a relightable textured mesh enabling fast real-time rendering with novel illuminations. We demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach with experiments on both synthetic and real datasets, where we are able to obtain high-quality relightable 3D assets from image collections. The datasets and code is available on the project page:
We present Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields (NR-NeRF), a reconstruction and novel view synthesis approach for general non-rigid dynamic scenes. Our approach takes RGB images of a dynamic scene as input (e.g., from a monocular video recording), and creates a high-quality space-time geometry and appearance representation. We show that a single handheld consumer-grade camera is sufficient to synthesize sophisticated renderings of a dynamic scene from novel virtual camera views, e.g. a `bullet-time video effect. NR-NeRF disentangles the dynamic scene into a canonical volume and its deformation. Scene deformation is implemented as ray bending, where straight rays are deformed non-rigidly. We also propose a novel rigidity network to better constrain rigid regions of the scene, leading to more stable results. The ray bending and rigidity network are trained without explicit supervision. Our formulation enables dense correspondence estimation across views and time, and compelling video editing applications such as motion exaggeration. Our code will be open sourced.
We introduce TransformerFusion, a transformer-based 3D scene reconstruction approach. From an input monocular RGB video, the video frames are processed by a transformer network that fuses the observations into a volumetric feature grid representing the scene; this feature grid is then decoded into an implicit 3D scene representation. Key to our approach is the transformer architecture that enables the network to learn to attend to the most relevant image frames for each 3D location in the scene, supervised only by the scene reconstruction task. Features are fused in a coarse-to-fine fashion, storing fine-level features only where needed, requiring lower memory storage and enabling fusion at interactive rates. The feature grid is then decoded to a higher-resolution scene reconstruction, using an MLP-based surface occupancy prediction from interpolated coarse-to-fine 3D features. Our approach results in an accurate surface reconstruction, outperforming state-of-the-art multi-view stereo depth estimation methods, fully-convolutional 3D reconstruction approaches, and approaches using LSTM- or GRU-based recurrent networks for video sequence fusion.

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